Chapter 22- Taunting Confessions

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"You just thought it'd be cool to see how far you can take it with the murderer's' sister. That's all anyone ever wants," she whispered.

My eyes widened at her words.

"What the hell?" I mumbled, not being able to form any other thoughts.

Amelia let out a shaky breath at my words. Slowly, I reached out to her. I wanted to shake her as hard as I could to snap her back into reality.

But the moment I reached out to touch her again, she got up and ran.

I stayed frozen in my spot, still not processing what she had just said.

'Was it even real? Her sibling, was a murderer? How? Whose?'

All of these questions stayed unanswered in my head, but I wasn't going to stop here. Determined, I got up from my spot and followed after her.

As soon as I left Andre's room, I noticed the heavy atmosphere in the apartment. I ran into the living room and searched for Amelia. However, I only found the worried gazes of Andre, Jamal, and Gemma.

"Where is she?" I asked, almost desperately now.

The three of them shared a confused look.

"We just heard the door slam," Andre said.

And that was all I needed. I spun on my heel and started making a run for the door. However, before I could make it, Andre came into view, blocking me from going further.

"Hey Leo, you're really riled up right now. Let her go, we'll check up on her," he said, holding his hands out in front of me.

I shook my head.

"That's not possible, so get out of my way Andre."

Surprised by my answer, he dropped his hands. Taking this as my chance, I pushed past him and followed after Amelia.

Once I was out of the building, I looked in every possible direction to find her. The night was cold, since winter was approaching, and I found myself wondering whether she was wearing a jacket or not. I don't remember her wearing one on her way here, so she must not have. That means she must be freezing out here now.

That made me look for her harder. I started heading in the direction of her dorm, hoping to see her on the way. I started jogging lightly, twisting my head around every possible way to see if I could spot her.

At last, I saw a figure not too far from me on the opposite side of the street. Recognizing the pink sweater, I froze.

She wasn't running now, and instead, was walking slowly down the sidewalk. It looked as if she let her gaurd down.

As if she didn't think I would follow her.

Quickly checking the road for cars, I started running after her when the road was clear. She hadn't noticed me yet, and I used that to my advantage. I ran after her and in a few quick strides, I was just a few steps away from her. Not thinking twice, I finished the last of the distance between us, and wrapped my arms around her from behind.

They fit around her waist almost perfectly.

Out of instinct, I wrapped them tighter around her, making sure she was still here and that this wasn't some sick dream. That, and to warm her up.

A loud gasp escaped her lips and she struggled to get out of my hold.

"Shh, Moonie. It's just me," I simply said.

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