Chapter 21- Taunting Secrets

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It had been forty minutes since Andre called Amelia. To say I was getting impatient was an understatement.

Amelia wasn't one to be late, especially this late. I had a feeling that something was wrong, but Andre simply said that they were probably on their way. I still paced in the living room, thinking of all the possibilities that could've gone wrong.

Before I could leave in search for her, Andre's phone rang. He picked it up and mumbled out a "coming" to whoever was on the other side. Then he shut the call and turned to me.

"That's them," he said.

I sighed in relief.

Then Andre left to get the door for them, leaving Jamal and I alone. I sighed again and joined Jamal on the couch.

"What are we doing today?" I asked.

"Probably watching a movie," Jamal said, his eyes still trained on the basketball game that was on TV.

I nodded and switched my attention to the TV as well. Nearly five minutes later, the door opened. I scoffed, thinking that all my worrying was for no reason. The girls were just fine.

"We're here!" Gemma announced.

I didn't bother looking over, trying to act as casual as possible.

However, something made me turn my head in their direction anyway. It was like there was a pull that made me shift my attention to the door. When I did look over, I saw Andre walking through the door with Gemma in tow.

Behind them, a girl followed through as well. Her long hair was falling down her body, nearly down to her waist. She was wearing a pink sweater and bright jeans to go with it. And for once, I could properly see her face.

I nearly had a heart attack.

I found myself standing up in surprise, as I stared at Amelia. Everything else in the room seemed to vanish as I saw her standing by the door, nervously pulling at her sleeves, a habit I noticed she had. Her hood was no longer there, and it gave me a better view of her face, especially, her eyes. But goodness, damn me.

She looked surreal

Her wide brown eyes were fleeting everywhere, not as much looking as she was observing. Her hands slowly rubbed up and down her arms, and I had the sudden instinct to just go up to her and-

Suddenly, I felt a smack to the back of my head.

I grabbed my head in shock and whipped my head around to face Jamal.

"What the hell dude?" I said.

"Stop drooling," he whispered over to me.

My jaw clenched and I looked away from him angrily, and turned back to Amelia. The trio was finally making their way over to us, and I found my palms getting sweaty.

'What the hell, Leo?! Get your shit together. It's not like you've never seen a girl before!' I scolded myself.

Quickly, I let out the breath that I had been holding, and faced the group with more confidence. Now, Andre was apparently going to pick out a movie for us to watch, and the rest of us started taking seats around the living room. I found myself subconsciously heading for the spot beside Amelia.

I was suddenly curious.

Not because of the way she changed, but more as to why she was late. From the moment she stepped through the door, I knew something was wrong. Her face was set in a small frown, and she pursed her lips as if she was holding back from saying something.

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