Chapter 18- Taunting Homecomings

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Okay, so I feel like I really have to explain Leo's anger about the whole photograph thing. The thing is, Leo is a very reserved kinda guy. He doesn't like people getting into his bubble. At all. He barely likes talking to people, let alone having someone in their house. Leo wasn't rying to be violent. He was trying to be protective. It was a defense mechanism for him to not let people in. He was angry that Amelia broke through it. He didn't want her to. It scared the heck out of him. His anger, was his way of trying to get Amelia to not pry into his life.

Moreover, I'm sure none of us would be too happy to see an acquaintance sort of friend standing in the middle of our room when we weren't even aware they were in the house. Yes, his anger was uncalled for. But maybe, it wasn't. He's human. Let him breathe. Let him decide how to deal with situations, and more importantly, how to fix his mistakes.

And yes, that goes for all of you too. Trust me, I get anger. I get being on both sides of it. It's an emotion. We all feel it at some point. So it's okay. It's okay to be angry. But it's also important to overcome it.


[] A M E L I A []

The rest of the week went by as smoothly as it could. After Leo's apology, it seemed like we all fell back into our old routine. But this time, I let go of all my insecurities. This time, I found myself trusting the group more than I did before, and also, found a better friend in Leo. We had spent more time together, and ended up even studying together once.

For the first time in a while, I felt myself relax.

Another good news was that results for the midterms were out. I had aced two of my exams and sadly, was nearly at the brink of failing Sociology. I blame it on the fact that I barely joined Gemma and Andre during their study sessions. I had convinced myself that I would do okay in that exam without the extra studying, but I was proven completely wrong.

On Saturday evening, I ended up heading over to Gemma's dorm. She also lived in a single dorm, but it was in another building that was nearly a five minute walk from mine.

It was a girl's only weekend, since the boys went over to Leo's parents' house for a sleepover. I had a feeling that they had been friends for a very long time, maybe from middle school or so. They confirmed this when they told Gemma and I that they were leaving, during our Friday lunch. They were telling us how they were going to Leo's for the weekend, and were going to visit their favorite family. Jamal had also excitedly told us a few stories from their middle school times, to which Andre and Leo groaned, and Gemma and I laughed to.

They left just this morning and were to return on Sunday night. It was already quiet without them.

I finally made it to Gemma's place and she opened the door for me. We walked inside and it was no surprise that her place was almost identical to mine. It was also just as clean.

"Alright Amelia, what are we doing today?" she asked brightly.

I shrugged, since I really didn't have anything in mind.

We ended up painting each others' nails. Gemma being Gemma, had a whole box full of assorted colors of nail polish and random tools for decoration. We sat crossed legged on her floor, right across from each other. She insisted on painting mine first and I agreed. As she was painting my nails intently, a random thought occurred to me.

"Gemma?" I asked.

She mumbled out a 'Mhmm' in response.

"Why did you choose to be friends with me? I mean... not just now, but back then. Even when I pushed you away," I mumbled.

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