Chapter 12- Taunting Luck

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Today was the day.

All of Jamal's hard work he had done in the past month, will be put to the test today. It was his first game.

To say he was nervous was an understatement. He had been pacing in the living room all day, while Andre and I sat on the couch watching him. Now, he was at the point where he started jogging lightly.

Andre and I turned to each other and shared a look. Then we got up in sync and stood on either side of Jamal, preventing him from pacing. He faltered seeing us and sighed.

"Guys get out of the way. I'm warming up," he said.

"Really Jamal? Three hours before the game?" Andre asked, rolling his eyes.

Jamal sighed.

"Yes. Yes I am."

Now, Andre and I sighed.

Suddenly, Andre snapped his fingers together, signalling an oncoming what he thought is a brilliant plan. However, they usually never worked.

Jamal stared at him expectantly.

"Let's invite Amelia!" Andre exclaimed.

For once, his brilliant idea didn't seem so bad. But then I thought of her quiet and easily shaken up demeanor, and thought of how stupid this idea was. How would she feel in a court full of angry, rowdy, and some select drunk, students?

"That's a bad idea," Jamal said before I could.

"Why?" Andre asked with a pout.

"Are you kidding? She'll get crushed!" Jamal exclaimed.

Andre rolled his eyes.

"She's not a baby. Plus, Leo and I will be there. We can even invite Gemma if she wants to come?"

Jamal and I looked to each other and I shrugged.

"But how is this supposed to help me?" Jamal voiced out loud.

"She's a calming person," Andre said as a matter-of-factly.

Without wasting time, Andre called up Amelia and Gemma. After much persuasion from Gemma and Andre, Amelia finally agreed to come.

So that's how we ended up heading to Jamal's first game- in a squad.

* * *

Amelia and Gemma were waiting for us at the front entrance to the court. Andre complained the whole way that we kept them waiting, making Jamal even more jittery. I smacked Andre over the head when his nagging got too annoying. We finally made it to the stadium and Jamal fled to the locker room before we could say anything to him.

Andre and I continued to the front entrance of the court. Immediately, we spotted Amelia and Gemma waiting for us outside.

They were both dressed casually, and Amelia was wearing her signature hoodie. We made our way towards them and greeted one another when we met. My eyes met Amelia's and to my surprise, she gave me a small smile. I nodded back to her, and then we were on our way inside.

Since we came early with Jamal, we were also quite early to the game itself, meaning we could choose good spots. We easily made our way inside the gym and sat in the second row from the bottom of the bleachers. The four of us sat down, with me on the end, Amelia beside me, Gemma on the other side of her, and Andre off to the far left beside Gemma.

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