Chapter 24- Taunting Acceptances

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A blinding light filled my vision and I groaned, turning over in my bed. Ever so slowly, I sighed and peeled my eyes open. My eyes automatically fell on my dull white roof that looked brighter due to the sunlight seeping through. Before I knew it, a slow lazy grin formed on my face.

'Amelia. Amelia, Amelia, Amelia.'

My grin got wider.

My mind drifted off to last night, when after Amelia's breakdown, I told her that she wasn't like her brother. Then realizing how awkward that sounded, I did a complete 180 in the conversation and asked her if she was hungry. I remember it all so clearly.

"You're nothing like anything in this world, Moonie. You're you. Absolutely out of this world. "

Her eyes widened at my words, then she scrunched up her face into another sad look. Unable to handle the intensity between us, I awkwardly rubbed my hands against my thighs and started walking backwards toward the kitchen.

"Hungry?" I asked Amelia, knowing full well that she barely had dinner at Andre's place.

She slowly nodded at my question, her eyes softening. I turned around and started walking to the kitchen.

There was so many unanswered questions in my head, such as, 'Where was her brother now? When did all this happen?' And most importantly: 'Did she have to face this alone?'

But I didn't need the answers then and there. For now, I wanted to comfort her.

What hurt the most about her story, was the fact that she felt so terrified to tell me all this, as if I would tell her to leave right away. As if I would stop whatever friendship had ignited between us. 

And maybe, if I hadn't gone through the things I had, I would be terrified of her. But my own life has taught me not to judge others based on mistakes someone they knew had committed.

Why should one have to bear the consequences of others? Especially when it comes to people like Amelia.

She didn't deserve it. 

People like her deserve everything good in the world.

As I scavenged my kitchen for food, I felt like a complete idiot. More than that, I felt like a complete coward. I had the perfect chance to share a part of me with Amelia, just like she did with me, but I couldn't. I couldn't tell her that she's not alone. That I do understand.

But then I realized that maybe, it wasn't time for all that now. She had only mustered up enough courage to tell me about herself, and it was too early for me to open up to her. All in all, this moment was enough.

After a little while, I heard her footsteps making their way into the kitchen. I didn't turn around and continued stirring the soup mix I had found in the back of a cabinet. It was only when she cleared her throat, I looked up.

She was standing by the small dining table, tugging at her sleeve nervously.

"I'm sorry," she suddenly mumbled. "I shouldn't have blown up on you like that..."

I simply watched her as she spoke.

Why was she apologizing for telling me about herself? Heck, I wish she told me more.

"Was I the first person you told?" I simply asked.

She slowly looked up, her mouth set in a frown.

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