Chapter 56- Taunting Attacks

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There's many chapters I cried while writing. However, this has got to be the worst. Brace yourselves lovelies :(


[] T H I R D • P E R S O N []

As he lay there in the cold night, surrounded by his own blood, Leo Kennedy dreamt of a few things.

First, he dreamt of his mother's warm hugs, and her chocolate chip muffins, the smell almost hitting him as he did so. He thought of her smile, and how much he wished to tell her he loved her one last time.

He thought of Lars, his sister who happened to be on the list of the strongest women he knew. He thought of how she always got on his nerves, but showed him the right way when he needed it.

He thought of James, Andre, Jamal, and even Gemma, all the people who impacted his life. Allowed him to become a better person.

And then, he saw brown.

Brown eyes, brown hair, a beautiful smile, a body that molded perfectly with his, and heard that heavenly laugh.

He saw his Moonie.

He saw her playing in the snow, her eyes bright, the snow reflecting off of them. He saw her courage, her belief in him, and he saw how much he loved her. He saw how much he ached to just reach out and pull her in his arms.

But just as he got to her, she started drifting away.

And that's when he took the last of his remaining breaths, and the sounds of sirens overtook the sound of his own beating heart.

* * *

[] A M E L I A []

I gasped and woke up with a start.
My hand flew to my heart as I tried to regain my breaths.

I had a horrible nightmare.

Blood and Leo.

A combination that caused my heart to experience a grief like never before.

I had fallen asleep nearly an hour ago, after having a talk with my parents. They had returned from the lawyer's office late in the afternoon. After that, another lawyer had come to our house to discuss more case related things. Then, we had setup for dinner.

It was after that that we finally got to sit and talk. And as I predicted, nothing was settled yet. This case would take forever before continuing. Mom had suggested that Gemma and I leave tomorrow, but I couldn't bring myself to leave yet. I felt as if I should stay here for a few more days.

After talking to my parents, I had gone to sleep. This time, Gemma did sleep in the guest room, as she said she wanted some time to herself too. I felt bad about getting her dragged into this too, but she was persistent on staying with me.

A few hours into my sleep, I had just woken from a horrific nightmare. In the nightmare, I saw Jackson standing over my head with a gun, saying, "It's finally the end Amelia Harrison." And then, instead of shooting me, he turned last minute, shooting Leo in the chest with his gun.

That's what woke me up.

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down, and reached over for my glass of water on the sidetable. When I got it, I found it was empty. I sagged in slight irritation and slowly got out of bed. I sluggishly made my to the kitchen, turning the lights on as I did so. The brightness caused me to let out a little groan, but I accustomed to it quickly and headed to the sink to get myself a glass of water. Just as I was in the middle of downing my drink, I saw the guest room door fly open.

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