Chapter 1- Taunting Whispers

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"Did you hear? The band is actually coming to town!"

"They're amazing!"

"I bought tickets nearly a year ago!"


Once again, my morning nap was disrupted by the rude whispers of the students around me.

My eyes snapped open at the sound of the annoying voices, and I found myself feeling crankier than when I woke up this morning. With a sigh, I sat up straighter and looked around to find the cause of my awakening, but as I looked around, I couldn't pinpoint exactly who woke me up. It seemed as if everyone was talking all at once.

'Since when were Tuesdays this fucking exciting?' I thought.

As I was glaring at all the heads in the room, my gaze drifted off to one person in particular.

She was walking up the isle beside me, her head hung low. I tried to catch a glimpse of her face, but couldn't, since her hair blocked it. I think she appreciated how her hair reached down to her waist, with how she used it as a curtain. She wore a hood as well, which she nearly drowned in, too.

She continued walking up the ramp beside me, her clothes emitting a strong scent of roses as she inched closer. I also managed to get a view of her eyes.


Plain and simple.

She walked past me and went to the back row, just a row behind me, and sat at the desk diagonal from mine. With a small sigh, she turned to get her stuff settled.

That's when I whipped my head back around. I took a quick look around the class, and noticed the girl with the brown eyes managed to slip past everyone's attention. They were busy among themselves, having conversations like normal students.

I hadn't noticed her before. Probably because I never notice anything around me besides my close group of friends, Andre and Jamal, but I don't ever recall seeing anyone with such a dull appearance. This college was full of people who talked too much and were full of colour.

This girl however, was the definition of the word: grey.

It was almost as if a literal grey cloud covered her. I was surprised that she caught my attention, but I didn't think too much of it. I would probably forget about her the moment my lecture ends.

The professor walked in a moment later, holding a sheet of paper in her hands, accompanied with a blinding smile on her face. I frowned, annoyed at the fact that I couldn't get my twenty minute nap in before class started.

"Good morning, class," Professor Benny greeted once she had her projector set up.

A few people grumbled out a response, while the others stayed silent. I unintentionally found myself turning to locate the girl from before, and my frown deepened when I noticed that her head was still hung low and hands were clasped together tightly in her lap. I looked away again, facing the front one last time.

"Now, I know it's still a bit early in the semester but I hope all of you are settling in. And now, here's the lecture for today..."

I scoffed. We were only two weeks into school, and if it weren't for Andre dragging me here at least three days a week, I would have gladly spent the rest of the semester sleeping. As for settling in, I haven't even opened more than one suitcase yet.

I sighed and for once, paid attention to the lesson being taught, in order to take my mind off of the brown-eyed girl. 

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