Chapter 30- Taunting Pasts

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I sat beside Amelia on the cold snow-covered grass. It was freezing outside, but I couldn't feel it. 

I was too nervous to feel anything. 

I had my arms sprawled out behind me as I lazily sat in front of the trees we were just under a few moments ago. To anyone looking at me, I'd seem calm, relaxed even. But my exterior position had no relevance to the storm I felt inside. 

The only that stopped me from simply getting up and running away from here, was how patient Amelia was at the moment. She didn't ask any questions as I dragged her here and sat her down, nor did she complain about sitting on the cold wet grass. She simply waited, and was still waiting.

I cautiously looked over to her and let out a small breath when I saw her sitting beside me. Her brown eyes were wide with wonder as she took in the scenery around her. 

It wasn't much to look at it, but she made it seem as if we were sitting in front of the Eiffel Tower, and not just in a garden behind one of the campus buildings. 

It honestly surprised me just how much Amelia loved this place. If I knew she would like it this much, I would've brought her here much sooner. 

She was rubbing her hands together, and it suddenly dawned on me just how cold it must be for her. She was already dressed in a thick coat, but her hands were bare. I felt like smacking myself for being so inconsiderate, but in my defense, I didn't think that she would start shaking the snow off of trees to smother us with it. 

A small smile escaped me, thinking that what she did was completely idiotic, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. After staring at her for a few moments longer, I realized that this was it. This was simple. 

With her it was simple. 

I simply needed to tell her about my past so that she understands she is not alone. 

And that was it. 

Finally, I cleared my throat to get her attention. She finally shifted her gaze to me and I stayed silent for a moment before finally speaking. 

"There's something that I want you to know Amelia, but before I start, you need to know that I'm telling you this because I want to, and not because I think I owe you any sort of explanation."

Her burrows furrowed at my words, and she nodded her head slowly. 

I took one last look at her, her wide innocent eyes, and her wet hair. She looked like a puffy snowman with all of her winter attire on, especially the giant scarf that covered most of her upper body, and it would be absolutely comical if she didn't pull it off so well.

Okay, it was still a little comical.

I finally let out the breath I had been holding and looked away from her to face the front. It took me another to think of where to start this from.

"We were a happy family growing up, my sister, mother, father, and me. We were normal," I started, swallowing after thta one sentence. "Six years go, there was a moment that changed my family. I thought it was so miniscule. Soemthing we could get ocer if worked together as a family."

My mind drifted off to that time almost instantly, remembering the strianed voices of my parents as they delivered this news.

"My father lost his job. At first, he tried supporting my mother. She was a nurse at the local hospital and could work enough to feed our family. But my father didn't like it. He was the typical, 'men should lead the house' type of guy. In his hatred for the situation we were stuck in, he got stuck in a slump. Seeing only one way out, he turned to his old best friend, alcohol. And from there on forth, all he wanted was just that," I said starting slow.  

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