Chapter 6

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I happen to like the color blue. The sky. The ocean as a reflection of the sky. Blueberries. Blue raspberry (very perplexing as a flavor color, I agree). Turquoise accent six. It's a very elegant hue.

But it surprising me in the face made me dislike it.

For the time being of course.

The turquoise accent six pillow that "crashed" into my face had spilled my ramen. I didn't even finish it either. A fourth of a bowl of ramen, wasted.

And who was the culprit? Who was the perpetrator of this dastardly deed?!

Roomate? Wrong. Don't have one. Special ordered that way.

Katherine? Nice try. Didn't give her my dorm room just yet.

Keith? Nope. He has nothing against me (I think).

That leaves the awesome selection of one person.

Yes, that's right. You did it to win it.

Black straight-haired girl.

Otherwise known as Amberica. She hates that name though.

She insists on just Amber. Don't know why, she just does.

And she'll rip your throat out if she hears Amberica out of anyone's mouth.

So, what's the first thing I call her?

   "Ow! What the freak, um..." I cried, after getting my head pillow-thwapped.

   "Amberica. But just Amber. Got it?" she threatened.

   "Okay, you." I said. Yup, first thing I call her is 'you'.

   "What's my name?" she asked/threatened (more on the threatening side).

   "My name is James." I said. Didn't want to risk it.

   "Not your name. My name."

   "I didn't say your name. My name is James Ignis." I repeated.

   "I hate you." she said.


   "Stupid book furniture quote." she muttered.

   "Really? That's what's bugging you? Enough to pillow to my face? Enough to even find where I am?" I asked.

   "Yes. Yes it is."

   "Makes total sense."

   "Glad you agree."

   "If you're OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder (look it up))." I finished.

   "I'm leaving. See you later. But you don't want to." she said. She left and slammed the door behind her. Also blue.

   "I'm going to take a shower." I said aloud for some reason. Maybe for an answer. Just so I can feel like I had a friend around. I went into the bathroom and took a cold shower. Just so I can be refreshed.


I checked my (digital) watch. Ten eleven. My crazy luck, I sighed. I threw on a pair of boxers and got into the bottom of the bunk bed my Aunt Hannah forced me to use. I found it was a present from my parents, but I was only five. I didn't need a bunk bed. The bed was fine. But I was an only child. I had no use for a bunk bed. Those are for two people.

But I'm just one. And I probably always will be.

I sat staring at the wall to my left. It had a picture. Just one, taped on with scotch tape. It was probably one of the more important pictures in my life.

I was three. Of course, basing it on the date on the back. And, according to my aunt, the day my parents left. And it was two days before their death.

And that day was May 8th, 2001.

The last picture taken with me and my parents was on that day.

And I'm never ever going to forget that day.

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