Chapter 18

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Weeks passed. My routine was perfected and I would rehearse once a night after I went to the library with Kat.

That's right. She let me give her my own special nickname for her. She wanted to call me Jay (or 'J'), but I said maybe later.

My audience grew when they heard that a comedian was in the house. I used jokes not in my routine and put on a show every Friday as practice. My audience went from none to one to five to ten to twenty.

And now I'll do a comedy act the last Friday of every month at lunch under the clock tower.

For confidence reasons, of course. And for the sheer joy and chance to make friends and fans.

Now, "Maybe It'll Never Happen" seemed like a horse-drawn carriage. Something from the past that I'll only use as a memory.


It was April 17th. Thursday. Sunny with not a cloud in the sky. I was walking through the square and I sat on a bench under an oak tree. A small breeze was blowing as if every blade of grass was blustering tiny gusts in my direction. This is what I called paradise.

I sat alone for the time being, watching the world go by me. People walked, talked, and texted past me. I was reading a newspaper. New Spiderman movie. The serial rapist still hasn't been caught. Pretty boring news.

   "Hey, James. Great stuff. See you at the Berkeley's Got Talent show." some random stranger said.

   "Best for last." I replied. I could hardly believe it. Strangers (to me) actually knew my name. I wasn't invisible anymore!

   "Life might be turning around for me." I said to myself. I layed down and took a small nap on the bench with absolutely no worries at all.


I awoke to the scent of fresh baked apple pie. I opened my eyes to see someone. I knew her smile in an instant. I knew the curves of her face.

   "Hey, James." Katherine said. I wiped my eyes.

   "What's the word, hummingbird?" I asked.

   "Are you ready for tomorrow?"

   "Ready as I'll ever be."

   "Great. Remember to dress, impress, and you'll have success."

   "And hope I don't depress."

   "Not if you're a comedian." Katherine finished. She wiped her hair from in from in front of her face and left. I smiled as I left in the opposite direction.

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