Chapter 25

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My Aunt Hannah makes a really good pizza from scratch. After all, she used to work in a pizza parlor once.

But her best pizza she made was her special spicy spinach and sausage with mozzarella cheese. She called it like she saw it: Spicy Spinach and Sausage with Mozzarella.

   "This is great, Aunt Hannah." I said. I took a bite.

   "Yes if I do say so myself." she answered as I took another bite. Suddenly, I had memories of my failure flood back to me thanks to me eating pizza. I held in the urge to confess anything and everything.

   "So...Aunt Hannah..."

   "Yes, James?"

   "Are you gonna hire movers or something?"

   "Nursing Academy's got that covered."

   "Oh, okay." there was a period of awkward silence. I ended up breaking it.

   "May I be excused?" I asked.

   "You don't have to ask anymore." she remarked.

   "I do anyway, don't I?" I took my plate to the sink. I was tempted to leave it, but I scrubbed it clean and left it in the drying rack to drip dry.

My life here is falling apart, I thought. Nothing is ever going to fix it.


I hate the last month of school.

Seriously, the second last is much better.

The last month has stress of finals, stress of final grades, the sadness of kmowing you won't see your friends everyday for two months. The three weeks of preparation are right up there too.

Don't get me started on the last day of school.

The day that's last. Its there for you to remember: Darn, I won't see them next Monday, even if I have been for the past eight months. It's there to reveal deep dark secregs and leave people wondering: What was that about? It's there for you to enjoy with your friends and then get punished for being home late.

I really hate last months of school. And this one was no exception.

   "Come on, Kat, open up. I have something to tell you. It's important." I knocked. No answer.

   "Open up!" I yelled. I rapped on the door. Was she not in or something?

   "Light bulb." I said. I got a sheet of paper and began to write furiously. It took me a good fine minutes and I was pleased with the work I did. Added bonus: it rhymed every other line(ish).

The Most Incredible By: James Ignis All Rights Reserved.

How should I start?

Start to describe

the girl that I think

is just simply divine.

Many words can be used

Instead of divine

Let me think, how about

awesome, pretty, sublime?

I find her incredible

Everything I ever wanted

I find her irrestistable

Can't seem to get her out of my head

No matter how many complements

No matter what people say

She just doesn't understand

How she is any these in any way

What do you want me to say?

How do you want me to describe?

The person as I see as the most incredible

thing that's ever been alive.

But you can't tell

You can't seem to get

Well, actually it makes a lot of sense:

Since I haven't really met you yet.

I signed the paper and slipped it under the door. RSVP (which stands for respondez s'il vous plaît or respond please in French) at five o'clock sharp. I checked my watch. Three forty two. I had some time to kill for now.

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