Chapter 10: Closer

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"Hey, Z," Liam said, beaming as he swung Zayns hand back and forth in the movie theatre parking lot. "I think that was our first real date. Aside from the sushi one."

"It was wasn't it?" Zayn said, smirking as he squeezed Liam's hip. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

Liam nodded. "The movie was good. At least what I saw of it. I was kind of focused on other things..."

Zayn chuckled, shaking his head. They had done quite a bit of cuddling and making out back there.

"That's true. Race You to the car!" Zayn shouted, sprinting forward. Liam darted after him, making it to the car a second before Zayn.

"Unfair, You have longer legs," Zayn complained.

"You have stretchier legs, Mr. Yoga Master," Liam responded, pulling Zayn into a bear hug.

"Thats True," Zayn replied, giggling. "I had a lot of fun tonight."

"Me too," Liam said, opening the door to the drivers side and hopping in. Zayn got into the passenger seat and smiled at Liam.

Is this what it felt like to date someone? He hadn't dated in so long that he was starting to forget...

"I just.... i don't know, before we go back to my place, i kind of wanted to know where we stand, me and you," Liam said. He looked a bit nervous - Zayn could tell based on his tense posture and furrowed brow.

"Yeah, yeah, um, where do we stand?" Zayn asked avoiding the question.

Liam bit his lip. "Well last time we talked, we were friends with benefits. Because I wasn't over Harry and you were with Louis, kinda...."

Zayn nodded. "Yeah, that's right."

"But since then," Liam continued. "Well, Harry punched me and I kind of realized he's a dick... I don't need that kind of negativity, and that was kind of like the closure I needed it, believe it or not."

"Oh shit, i didn't know that," Zayn said, widening his eyes.

"Yeah... and i don't know where you stand with Louis. But we also both had a threesome with him. Which was good - let's be real it was really good, for all of us," Liam said. "But I Just don't know what you want with me. That's why I'm asking."

Zayn nodded, staring at the windshield as if someone was going to write the answer on it at any given second.

"I don't know..." he said. That was the wrong answer. The wrong fucking answer. He knew, deep down he knew. But he wasn't ready to tell Liam yet....

"Alright, I mean it's fine, it's just I wanna know if i should let myself get invested in this or not. More than I already i am," Liam said, blushing. He was starting the car now, ready to drive back home.

"Li- I really like You. Like I don't know you make me feel carefree and like I can just be myself around you. You're super attractive - like more than you probably realize, fuck," Zayn said, turning to Liam. Liam put the car back in park, leaning towards Zayn.

"That's sweet. I feel that way about you too. You're the only one who enjoys my barista humor," Liam laughed.

"Yeah- I just. I'm awful at relationships, Liam. I dumped my ex of four years over text.... and Then i got all these tattoos of another ex. I fall too hard too fast, and I never realize how much of a mistake I made until it was over," Zayn said, looking into his lap.

"Woah... alright well. Full disclosure, im not the best either. Harry dumped me in a supermarket parking lot and i almost threw a shopping cart at someone's car. Before him, I was with this girl 10 years older than me. Not the best either..." Liam admitted.

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