Chapter 13: Rejection

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"I can't believe you got me tickets to the game!" Louis said as he jumped up and down when the team he was rooting for scored a goal.

"I didn't...." Zayn's face turned a crimson color. "I, uh...I won them, yeah...." Lame.

Louis stopped mid jumping to wrap his arms around Zayn's neck. "You invited me, nonetheless."

Reciprocating the hug, Zayn tightened his grip, momentarily picking Louis up off the ground and putting him back on his feet. Louis sat back down, turning his attention to the game once more.

"So Liam wants to hang tonight. What do you think we should do?" Zayn asked puzzled.

"I don't know. I kind of canceled my plans with Harry so I could hang with you...I thought we were spending the day together again?" Louis pouted.

Zayn put on his thinking face, trying to analyze Louis' intentions. "No we can, we can. We're hanging out now, right? Maybe we can just invite Liam over too."

Louis allowed his eyes to gaze at the floor of the stands before quickly bouncing back. "He does give a good blowjob, I suppose. I think I might just call Harry and apologize. You can hangout with Liam alone. It's fine."

Zayn tried to figure out where the passive aggressiveness was coming from, but he was met with dead end answers. It was everything he ever wanted, but nothing at all familiar. "Louis, don't get upset. I'll cancel my plans too, and you can have me all to yourself."

"Goal!" Louis shouted as he jumped to his feet, but quickly sat back down. "No, I insist. Barista wants to spend time with you - grant him his wish. I'll just try and apologize to Harry. It's no big deal. I told you, no strings, Zayn."

Zayn looked at Louis, trying to form the right words to say - but all hope of that was suddenly minute when Louis crashed his lips onto his, no explanation. Faintly, he could hear the crowd giving 'aww' noises, but he was too indulged in the moment to question it.

"What was that for?" Zayn asked when Louis pulled away.

"You didn't notice? We were on Kiss Cam!" Louis replied playfully shoving his shoulder. "I think we're on it again."

"What? Where?" Zayn looked around but before his eyes could meet the screen, Louis had already diverted his attention with his tongue.

Zayn felt Louis' tongue pressing against his and began to kiss him back, savoring the moment. They never kissed like this. Sure, they would kiss sometimes before sex, but not often, and if they did, it wasn't for very long.

When Louis pulled away, Zayn locked eyes with him, his heart pumping wildly. "Nice one," he laughed nervously.

"Touche," Louis said, returning his focus to the football game down below.

What the fuck? Zayn thought to himself. Is he going to just act like nothing ever happened?

That question was quickly answered though, when he felt Louis take his hand, intertwining their fingers and twirling his wrist a bit as he watched.

That's when Zayn realized. The answer was no. 


"So how was your weekend?" Ed asked as he pumped gas in the cruiser.

Niall's face lit up, sighing dreamingly. " was okay...just, you know, hung out with someone...who slept over."

Ed made a surprised face as he put the gas pump back on the pedestal. "Oh did you?"

"Yeah," Niall said, blushing a bit as he readjusted his gun in its holster. "Don't get your hopes up. No sex. We most just did hand stuff. We're both really new to, um, getting with guys."

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