Chapter 14: Impulsive

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Harry didn't mean to. He knew it would probably be the last straw, but impulse won this round. He stared at the damage for a few minutes, not yet registering. It was more than likely the whiskey driving him to be so violent, or maybe it was the way Liam knew exactly how to push his buttons.

Snapping out of his trance, he walked to the freezer and pulled out a bag of frozen broccoli, placing it on his stinging hand before he walked back into the bathroom, gaping at the large hole in the wall.

"Harry, I'm home!" Niall announced as he began removing his uniform. "Oh shit!" Niall rushed into the bathroom, noticing the large hole immediately. "What happened?"

"I...uh...." Harry slurred his words. "Liam said I'm feminine....and Louis stood me up to hangout with Zayn...and you're mad at me. I'm mad at me. I'm a pathetic piece of shit that everyone hates and I just got so mad at myself in the mirror....and on my way out, I punched the wall. Niall, please. Please, don't hate me!" Harry begged, trying to hold back his tears.

Niall assessed the damage of the wall, then removed the bag of broccoli from Harry's hand. "You're hurt."

"My hand is fine," Harry said as he bit his bottom lip. "It's my heart that hurts so bad!" At that, he began to wail as Niall pulled him into a warm embrace. "Why would Louis do that? I don't get it! He told me I made him feel things nobody else could...but he blows me off....always picks yoga guy over me."

"Humans are creatures of habit, Harry. He isn't used to those feelings he told you about. He is used to having that fucked up relationship with his friend though, right? It's not you." Niall soothed him. "Maybe we can fix the wall and still get our deposit back, yeah? Also, you smell like....weed and whiskey."

"I'm sorry, alright? I just went to a party because Louis...."

"He's sounding more and more bad for you, Harry." Niall pointed out as he walked them out of the bathroom and into the lounge. "Oh well. We'll talk about it later. I miss us."

"Me too....How's Shawn?" Harry asked wiping his nose on his shirtsleeve.

"I really, really like him." Niall smiled as he looked at Harry's hand again. "This is fat dude. Let me help that swelling."

"It's fine."

"It's not, and you're drunk."

"Hey Ni?"


Instead of answering, Harry crashed their lips together, still sobbing. Niall sighed into the kiss, but quickly pulled away. "Harry, I'm sorry. I am really into Shawn and I don't think...."

Embarrassed, Harry ran weeping tto his room.


Liam was preparing his seventh latee of the day when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around, half expecting it to be his manager, who always had some sort of complaint about the way he worked. But it wasn't Nancy pulling at his shirtsleeve. It was Zayn.

"Hey," he said in a soft tone. He was wearing grey athletic shorts and a white tank top, likely returning from a yoga class. In his hand, were two iced coffees.

"I, um. I've been trying to reach you. I don't blame you for not answering," Zayn said quietly, handing over the coffee to Liam. "I know you can just get free coffee here, but I wanted to at least bring you something, so I got the gourmet kind. I just wanted to say sorry, I guess. I feel really bad about this past weekend."

"Thanks," Liam said, taking the coffee and placing it carefully on the counter. "I actually just started my shift, so I'll probably be here a while. No breaks today."

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