Chapter 03

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Mindful of his impending family meeting, Miles knew he had to bid his new friend farewell. And his older brother bombarding his phone with calls minutes ago affirmed the importance of this so-called meeting.

But for reasons unknown to Miles, he could not bring himself to abandon the little vixen even after she had been taken care of by a doctor.

“I'm fine Nick, I promise...”

While awaiting their receipt, Miles half-listened in on the girl's conversation with her boyfriend. 

Somehow, it bothered him a tad bit more that she was already taken. 

Whoever that Nick guy was, he was one lucky bastard. Miles thought grimly.

“Here's the receipt and prescriptions, Mr Dekker.” Miles snapped out of his stare and took the items from the nurse at the dispensary. 

He strolled back to the waiting room where Emery was. Preoccupied with her lovey-dovey talk, she did not notice his presence so she continued to giggle at whatever her boyfriend was telling her over the phone. 

“Mm-hmm.” Emery glanced up when she heard someone cleared their throat only to see her supposed knight looming over her.

Feeling self-conscious under his sharp stare, she glanced down at her ballerina flats and shortened her conversation with her boyfriend.

“I love you too. Sure. Call you when I get home.”

Emery hung up and pocketed her phone. She offered the man a soft smile, and the poor guy blanched at the express friendliness.

“Here, they assured me it will help ease the pain. You can sue them if it doesn't” She rolled her eyes at his jab and took the prescription pack. “I can give you a ride...”

Emery turned down the offer with a shake of her head. “Thanks but that won't be necessary. I basically live five rooms down the emergency hall.”

Realizing what she had blurted, she cussed under her breath and quickly rose to her feet. “Thanks for everything, Mr Dekker.”

Miles gave her a look of perplexity. Not that she was looking his way so he cleared his throat to get her attention, and that worked when she glanced back at him. 

“What do you mean by you live five rooms down the emergency hall? Please don't tell me I hit a patient.”

Emery chuckled at the apprehensive remark without meaning to. Miles didn't mind-though the girl was completely oblivious to how the soft sound stirred up a familiar sensation within his chest.

Before Emery could refute the man's words, a distant call halted their conversation. It was her friend Natalia.

“Hey.” Mindless of Emery's company, Natalia rushed over to her friend. Her ebon hair was put in a messy bun and her sundress was awfully creased from the long hours of lying beside her boyfriend.

What worried Emery was the tiredness in her friend's once vibrant obsidian eyes. She really had to persuade Natalia to go home and get a good rest.

“Glad you're still here, Doctor Hannah has been asking for you.” Natalia gave the beautiful stranger beside her friend a polite nod and turned back to Emery. “I tried to call you but my battery died.”

Emery already knew why the aforementioned doctor was seeking her out, and taking in Natalia's fidgety demeanor, it could not be good.

“Sorry. I was even going to call you.” Without hesitation, she dragged her friend down the emergency hall and in doing so, she discarded her new friend.

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