Chapter 36

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Your naivety really baffles me

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Your naivety really baffles me. Trust me,  I'm 99% sure that you are pregnant.

Restlessly, Emery resumed her pace, her feet carrying her back and forth as if to assure her chaotic mind that this was some sort of a misjudgment on her Aunt's part.

Time and time again, she told herself that This can't be true.

Perched on the foot of Emery's bed was her sole audience, Natalia. Unsure of what was bothering her friend so much and probably tired of watching the march pass, Natalia turned a concerned eye on her.

"You don't trust Diana's judgment?"

Emery gave a vigorous shake of her head. "I… I mean I'm just two days late but that's nothing new to me. Besides, I've been on the pill for months now. Clearly, I couldn't have been more careful than that," she grumbled.

Indeed she had been careful. Ever since Nicholas made it known that he was coming back from college, she had thought they were going to start the other part of their love life and from thereon, prepared herself.

So yes, this can't be true.

"And whoever said pills are 100% effective?" Natalia countered.

"I'm not pregnant, Talia." was Emery's feeble response.

Exhausted from the battle of wills, Natalia dragged her palms across her face. "then why don't you take the test. I mean there's no harm in trying, right?" 

With knitted brows, Emery stared down at the pregnancy test kit on the coffee table.

Come to think of it, why did she even agree to buy it if she was not convinced of Diana's subjective diagnosis? Perhaps she did.

No. This can't be true.

"Oh come on, Em." Natalia pressed on.

Just the mere thought of she expecting had her heart racing. Wiping off the lone beads of sweat on her forehead, Emery nodded her consent.

Self-willed, she picked up the pack and shambled into the bathroom.

Please be negative. She prayed as her jumbled mind tried to come to terms with reality.

Her stomach knotted up nauseatingly as she unsealed the pack, and carefully read over the instructions. 

With a light heart, she strode over to the bathroom cabinet to grab some other needed kits.

She then set out to prove the world wrong.

After minutes of careful self-examination, she set the white stick on the cabinet steadily.

But with her withering nerves, every second she spent near that test set her on edge, so in order not to tamper with anything, she walked out of the bathroom to await the allotted two minutes.

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