Chapter 08

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They say time heals but the reality as Emery was discovering was that, you never stop grieving over the loss of a loved one. You certainly don't get over that kind of loss—you learn to live with it. 

That was exactly what Emery had been doing for the past couple of weeks. Learning to live with the painful truth that she'll be spending the rest of her life without her parents. 

As Emery blew the dust off her late parents' photo, her favorite one out of the lot, she wiped more stray tears away with the back of her hand and placed the frame back on her nightstand. 

Earlier, she had updated her viewers on the current predicament that had befallen her family and had taken an indefinite break from vlogging. 

With a heavy heart, Emery sealed the box containing her vlogging tools and pushed it under her bed. Though her channel was mostly about hair and makeup, there was still that family tag video with her family in it. And other memorable videos that featured the happy life she once shared with them. 

It was just too much to take in at this moment. She hoped against hope that quality time away from the camera and all the painful reminders would help to speed up the emotional ache. 

Lord knows she was not in the right frame of mind when she signed that contract with this Dekker man but right now, she needed an escape and all the distractions she could get so she steeled her mind to stop beating herself up. 

She had to shift her focus on the new adventure that awaited her. With that encouraging thought, Emery stood up from the carpeted floor and went over to the bed where her sizable travel bag sat. She double-checked the things she had packed for their trip today. 

Certain that she had all the necessary clothing and needed products, she zipped the bag and dragged it downstairs. She placed it beside the door and zoombied into the kitchen to whisk a quick breakfast. 

The house felt empty and too big for her as she sipped the bitter coffee and munched on some brownies Diana had sent over yesterday.

In her mind's eye, she could see her dad seated at the patio with a hot cup of freshly brewed coffee, and a newspaper whilst her mom tended to the now withered flowers in front of the patio and chatted with her husband. Christopher would have run into the kitchen by now from the gym and demanded in his usual playful tone for a cup of coffee. 

An uncontrollable sob broke through Emery as the once beautiful images started to fade, morphing into horrible ones she had witnessed at Clifford hills hospital weeks ago. 

The ringing of the doorbell made her get rid of the coffee mug she was cringing onto. Dabbing her tears away with the sleeve of her overcoat, she got up and went for the door. 

When she passed by the living room, she took a peek at her father's old wooden clock, questioning who it could be since Miles was not supposed to be there till 9:00 AM. 

However, Emery's mouth sagged when she looked through the pinhole and saw her husband to be, gracing her front porch. 

Guess he decided to show up early. She opened the door and stepped out. The first thing that got her attention was their matching outfit. He had opted for a navy blue suit today. Such a coincidence.

“Beautiful morning, Ms. Independent.” Miles greeted, his lopsided smile fading when he saw her flushed face. 

“Are you OK?” He took an unconscious step closer. 

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