Chapter 13

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Miles caught Lewis' gaze as the latter stole another glance at him and a quiet Emery in the backseat. They had not uttered a word to each other since he picked them up minutes ago.

“How was your day?” Lewis initiated a conversation.

Miles looked away from the window and glared at his friend. He knew Lewis was just trying to get him to open up. Already he wouldn't shut up about how the two of them really needed to polish their communication and social skills.

“It was going well until fucking Clifford reared its ugly head.” Miles huffed at the disapproving look Emery threw his way.

“Dean is here?” Miles gave a stiff nod. “Well, there is no need to go Jackie Chan on him. I'll have a word with him. The last thing we need is for you to get into trouble with him,” Lewis added sternly.

Beyond doubt, Miles trusted Lewis to have his back but the fact that Dean Clifford was not after him but his fiancée, unnerved him.

The relationship between him and Dean had been severed due to a past incident Miles wished had never happened. If only he could change the hands of time and reset everything that took place that dreadful day.

“Any news on the paparazzi?” Miles changed the topic when their car took the last turn to the hotel.

“They found another celebrity to pester so you're off their radar for the time being.”

That was a great relief to Miles. As much as he enjoyed his spotlight games with the media, the last thing he wanted at the moment was the media all up in his business.

“Hey.” Emery called out quietly and when he turned to her, she said in all sincerity, “Thanks for today.”

“For what?” Miles asked in genuine innocence.

She picked at her manicured nails in a failed attempt to avoid his gaze. Miles raised a brow. Well if all it took to be in her good graces was a tour in the Bahamas, he'd have done that sooner.

“I know you offered to show me around cause you witnessed my little breakdown earlier. So yeah, thanks. I had a great day.” Her smile was gentle.

There was something else she wanted to say but she seemed to hold herself back. She had a great day with him. That was all that mattered to Miles at the moment.

She looked up at him when Miles did not give a response—only to see him staring at her. There was something mischievous about his smile as he regarded her that made her smile as well.

Emery's eyes widened when he shifted a bit closer to her. She took in a breath of his gentle cologne without meaning to but he was so close that she could have a whiff of his cologne and body warmth. That only made her damn chest flip in an unusual eagerness.

From the corner of her eye, Emery peeked at the man behind the wheel. Thankfully, Lewis seemed unaware of their intimate position.

Miles leaned closer and whispered, “You can always pay back, you know.” He hinted by pointing to his cheek.

When he spoke, his voice was so soft, almost inviting and Emery was startled by how it stirred a familiar feeling deep in her chest. She shoved the thought aside.

“You do nothing for free. Do you?” She asked lightly despite the erratic pounding of her heart from how close he was.

Miles smirked. “Not really. I mean, what would be the fun in-” his sentence was cut off when soft lips pressed against a corner of his.

“Thanks, Miles, I mean it,” Emery said quickly and glanced out her window to hide her warming face.

“You're welcome,” Miles muttered. She kissed him. He smiled.

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