Chapter 39

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By the time Nicholas's Audi sped into the Hamilton's home, Emery was sweating bullets

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By the time Nicholas's Audi sped into the Hamilton's home, Emery was sweating bullets.

"Em, come on. You need to stay awake." Nicholas shook her gently but only got a muffled response. 

"Fuck this." 

Sorting through Emery's purse for the house key, Nicholas ran out of the car to open the door. He came back a second later and gathered her into his arms. 

Kicking the front door shut, he jogged up the stairs to her bedroom. And as gently as he could, he laid her on the couch and turned on the light. 

"Hey," he patted Emery on the cheeks. "Em, you need to help me out here, OK?" anxiously, he tugged off his coat and went ahead to pry off her heels. "Come on, Em. I need you to puke."

In spite of Emery being out on her feet, the insistent known voice stirred her up. "What?" she mumbled incoherently. 

"Just come with me." 

Nicholas slung her arms over his shoulders and with baby steps, he led her into the bathroom. He then helped her over to the toilet and rubbed her back lightly as she tried to empty her stomach. 

"Do you feel any better?" Emery only grumbled incoherently under her breath. "Goddammit, I can't fucking do this right now."

Pivoting around like a deranged person, he left her to her belching task and trotted over to the bathtub to fix her a bath. 

"Come here." This time, Nicholas swept her into his arms and without warning, he lowered her into the cold water. 

Emery's eyes flew open on impact when the icy liquid bit into her skin. That was enough for her to try to get out of the tub but with her numbed muscles, she could do nothing other than to lay in the freezing water.

All the while, Nicholas leaned against the bathroom door and just stared at her. How the mighty had fallen, he mused. It was endearing to see her in such a vulnerable state. 

But this had not been his plan when he had spiked her mocktail. All he wanted was to get her drowsy enough to take some denuded pictures with him. That should have made the grade and get Dekker to dump her ass. 

Everything was supposed to have worked out perfectly, and come tomorrow, Emery would have run back into his arms. But now some little bastard got in the way, and ruined all his plans. 

Nicholas knew he was risking jail time if this was uncovered by her brother or worse, Dekker. But the deed had already been carried out, and all that was left for him was to clean up his mess. 

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