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Its been a wonderful journey with you guys but here we are. At the end of the book...

Good gracious! Some of you really cracked me up with your comments. I live for those comments guys. You made the journey worthwhile. Thank you so much.


In no way was I promoting abuse of any form or teaching young people that it is okay to stay in abusive relationships as some readers accused.

The whole point of Emery and Nicholas's relationship (as well as any other thing you deem abusive in the story) was to throw light on the relationship struggles people go through on a daily basis and how they deal with them in their own way.

Emery for one portrays the people out there who are in abusive relationships and find it hard to cut ties with their abusers cause they think they can change these people. Or worse, they think it was their fault for being abused and thus tend to cover up for their abusers.

P.S. If he or she abuses you, physically, verbally, emotionally, etc, dump their nasty ass. You are too worthy to take such cheap treatment.

My characters are not perfect because no one is perfect. And that is the harsh truth. What I want my dear readers to know is that, there are people out there who have to learn to grow up socially, emotionally, and psychologically on their own and at their own pace. (You can deny it all you want but I see you 🔍) these characters/people should not be overlooked or be overly hated just because they have flaws.

These were some of the topics I wanted to bring to light in нɪᴅᴅᴇɴ vowѕ.

With that being said, I'm an amateur in this writing stuff. I make mistakes so I just want to say that I'm sorry if any word, line or chapter in my novel was offensive in any way or to anybody. That was not my intention so I sincerely apologize.

That was a long speech… but yeah, I needed to get that out there.

I appreciate each and every one of you who supported this book in one way or the other.

Thank you 🙏


Xorlali Opel

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