Chapter 12

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“Are you expecting a call?” Emery's fingers stilled on the phone she had been twiddling for the last couple of minutes at Miles' question.

“Not really.” She mumbled and pushed the phone back inside her purse.

Miles thanked the waitress when she brought their order and turned back to her. “How's your brother?” He asked.

Emery lowered her shake when the question was thrown at her. The operation was successful according to Doctor Hanna but her brother had not woken up yet.

“Stable.” She said simply.

“He will be fine.” Miles assured her.

Emery nodded. The last thing she wanted was to talk about her non-existing family who would still be there with her if she had not pestered them to rush to her graduation. That was Emery's berating anthem whenever the memories hit home.

“Hey.” Miles reached for her hand on the table as if he knew her train of thought. Surprisingly, she didn't pull away. “There are some places I'd like us check out.”

“I would love that.” She returned his smile.

He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. His hold on her hand seemed to have shut the voices out for the moment. Emery smiled. She pulled her hand back with the same gentleness and turned her attention to her breakfast. Although her appetite was non-existence at the moment, she still took a sip of her shake.

The rest of their breakfast was spent in small talk. Miles made the payment when they were done. Much to Emery's dismay.

“Where do you have in mind?” Emery asked when he led her out of the diner.

“A lot of exciting places but draw my attention if you see anything you like.” Miles's voice rose an octave due to the cacophony of noise from the other pleasure-seekers and street hawkers.

“Come on then.” Emery took his hand and dragged him down the bustling street.

Surprised by her initiative touch, Miles followed behind in a daze like a lost puppy.

“Don't get us lost, young lady.” Miles cautioned when she turned an unfamiliar street but from the amused look she gave him, it was obvious she knew her surroundings.

“I heard they have some of the best handicrafts. Mind if we look around?” She motioned to a line of craft shops.

Miles had barely replied when she led him into a craft store which was crowded with tourists. She seemed enthused about petty things and that did surprise him a bit.

He had toured the Bahamas with his fair share of ladies and most of their favorite places had been the jewelry stores, expensive restaurants and other lavish places in the Caribbean. And since most of them were from affluent homes, he already knew what he was up for so that was never a big deal to him.

Yet still, here was a girl so down to earth. A girl who did not object to having breakfast at a crowded Bahamian restaurant. A girl who dragged him to a craft shop for handicrafts.

To Miles, her simplicity was adorable and beyond any doubt, he deemed himself a lucky man to be spending the next few months with Emery Delado.

“What do you think?” Her voice brought him out of his daydream. “They are beautiful, ain't they?” She showed him two black plaited bracelets.

“It's beautiful.” Miles complimented not the piece of artifact but the girl holding it.

Emery, on the other hand, did not catch onto the indirect meaning of the man's soft-spoken words. She gave him a thumbs up and went back to fanning over the bracelet.

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