Chapter 23

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She hungered for him and so did he more than anything. His head dipped lower and lower until his lips met her eager ones in a fiery kiss. 

His mouth was warm and the caress of his lips tender than Emery remembered. His kisses were soft at first but grew demanding when a throaty moan slipped out of her lips. Billion felt her shudder in his arms when his tongue slipped into her warm mouth. He grabbed a fist full of her soft hair and gently bent her head back to deepen the kiss. Without restraint, he tasted every inch of her mouth with a hunger that made her moan into his mouth over and over. 

Out of breath, he lowered his mouth into the dip of her slender neck and sucked on the soft pulsing fresh. All the while holding her to him. Their hearts thumped together, their moans filling the suite from the tongue ministration. He moaned with her when her fingers weaved into his hair, massaging and making the strain in his briefs increase to a point of delicious pain. 

Miles knew it was time to end things as the need to hoist her up and take her grew harder. And for a man with carnal issues like him, It took a great deal of resilience to unlock their lips and break the earth-shattering kiss. They were both panting breathlessly as he leaned his forehead against hers and stroked her cheeks affectionately, and for a whole minute, neither spoke, as they stared into each other's eyes in pure need.

"Go on a date with me," he said, the timbre of his husky voice sending another wave of tingles down Emery's nether regions. 

Emery's heart flipped at his request. "What?" she asked, out of breath. 

"Have dinner with me, tomorrow..."

"Miles," Emery started nervously as she stepped out of his hold. "We can't do this," she added with a hesitant shake of her head. 

"Why not?" Miles stepped intimately closer. "I just want to have dinner with you. We can use the time to talk, and see the way forward... to announce our separation to the public," he added gravely. 

Miles knew she wouldn't have agreed if he had proposed an intimate date. But he knew he wanted Emery and now that she thought she was free of him, he wouldn't be able to win her over without great efforts on his part. 

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Miles asked hopefully, his gaze flicking to her wet lips. 

Emery's breath hitched in anticipation when he took another step closer.  "Yeah."

"Then I'll pick you up tomorrow at 7:30, yeah?" She nodded. 

"Um...would you like to stay for dinner?" Miles asked. 

Stay? After that kiss? Right now, there was only one thought running through Emery's head and that was to rush home, strip out of her wet underwear and soak herself in a hot tub till the ache between her thighs dulls. 

"No…” Emery rephrased after seeing his crestfallen look. “I mean, Natalia might be getting impatient. I need to go." She jumbled, clutching onto her purse. 

Right. Of course it was Natalia. That thought seemed to have calmed Miles down for some reason.

"Um... I will text you?" He nodded. "Goodnight," Emery added. 

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