Chapter 27

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Never has Emery been pampered to this extent before, and although it was an endearing thrill, she was still not pleased with Billion

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Never has Emery been pampered to this extent before, and although it was an endearing thrill, she was still not pleased with Billion.

His bossy and possessive antics was grating on her nerves.

After forcing the truth out of her by threatening to have Nicholas rot in jail, Billion had taken her to see an oculist.

From there, he took her to the spa for a massage and brought her to BECCA for missing out on her lunch.

If only I can whack him with my plate without killing him or making the headlines tomorrow.

"I know I'm drool-worthy but stop staring and eat up. You need to take your medicine," Billion said.

Emery scoffed. "I can take care of myself so you can stop treating me like a child. And you can't go around bossing and threatening others in the name of rendering a helping hand."

Billion gave her an annoyed side glance. "Well, I'm not sorry for putting that lunatic away and I'll do it over and over again if it'll keep psychos like him away from you…"

"You need to stop making it sound as if I'm some psycho magnet. They don't come with labels you know."

"They definitely show symptoms." she glared at him. "Fine. All that I'm saying is, you don't need to protect an abusive person. It only encourages them."

"I was not protecting him…"

"Really?" Billion set his fork and knife down and returned her hard gaze. "How many times has that guy manhandled you?" she did not respond. He had not expected her too.

"Do you know why you did nothing to stop him?" he went on. "Cause it hurts you to know that the man you thought loved you turned out to be a monster." his gaze softened. "But it was not your …"

"Enough." Emery slumped her napkin on the table, her appetite long gone. "That's enough. I get it. You are trying to help but I don't need to be reminded of my mistakes every damn second I spend with you. And stop acting possessive over me. The last time I checked, I was not your bed mate."

Billion countenance fell at her remark. Was she expecting him to sugarcoat the truth? Well he would not. Dammit. He was fed up with her constant tantrums over unimportant things.

And he may care about Emery but he was not going to be treated like some piece of shit because she couldn't handle the truth. He was not going to be disrespected for caring.

"Do you know what people do when others help them, even if they didn't ask for their help? They say thank you," Billion said.

Goodness, why couldn't they just spend time together without their insecurities or pride getting in the way?

Having had enough for the day, Billion dumped his napkin on the table, motioned their waiter over and paid for their food.

Emery's temper thawed immediately when he did that. Revising their conversation in her mind over and over again, it was obvious she was projecting her anger at him. He didn't deserve this.

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