Chapter 3: Setting Sail

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  That ship sailed forever and then we stopped at Sabaody Archipelago on the Grand Line. They grabbed the chains on me and guided me off the ship and to a building on dock 1.
  I looked at it, and clenched my fist. "We got an entry for you, all the way from the East Blue." The captain said.
  The guy's jaw dropped. "She's so young and beautiful! Yes, yes! Now we have our main attraction!!" The guy said.
  I grunted as they shoved me forward and the guy took me back to the cells. He put a collar on me with a chain and kept my ankles and wrists cuffed.
  I hear him I suspected...this was a slave auction house. Everyone looked so miserable and defeated. I gripped my fist. 'Please be safe. Bree...Trista.' I thought.
  "Next is the main attraction for today!! She's only human, but you'll see why! Bring her out!!" The guy shouted.
  They grabbed me and shoved me. I stumbled and they all gasped. "She's a cutie!" Someone shouted.
  "Not just cute, hot!" Another guy shouted.
  "I'll pay 500 million for her!!!" A Celestial Dragon shouted.
  The worst possible one. I gritted my teeth and they sold me after asking for higher offers.
  "I guess Karma was on my side, unlucky, worthless bitch." He said.
  He took me to his place and then I got the infamous Celestial Dragon mark branded onto my upper back lined up with my breasts precisely. I screamed out...and what happened next was just horrible. Mental and physical abuse and even sexual abuse.
  I was defiled as a human and as a woman. I was basically his sex slave...and I hated it. It was absolutely awful.

  I prepared to set sail when I turned 17. Though, what happened on our island a few years ago really had me wondering.
  I decided not only was I going to make a name for myself, but I was going to find my friend that sacrificed everything for the island we shared. "Hey Luffy, stay out of trouble!" I shouted.
  "Yeah!" Luffy shouted, waving to me.
  I started going by Portagas D. Ace and made a huge splash in the pirate world.

  Three years passed and I was 17 now. So, as I promised to Ace and Sabo...I set out to sea. It was a wild ride...but I ended up getting stuck inside a barrel and drifting for the longest time. Until one day someone found the barrel and I burst out.

  I arrived back from a battle with no casualties, only injured people. " did things go?" Dragon asked.
  "Good. Where is Ivankov and his unit?" I asked.
  "I'm not sure." Dragon said.
  "The Navy was waiting for us again." I said.
  "You think we have a traitor?" Dragon asked.
  "I wouldn't spout that word around...more like a sympathizer." I said.
  "Look into it." Dragon said.
  "Yeah." I said.
  "Dragon!!! Wade!!!" Ivankov shouted.
  We both turned. "Yeah?" I asked.
  "Look!" Ivankov shouted.
  We gasped at the sight...a young boy severely wounded. "He's seriously injured, get him help now!!" Dragon shouted.
  Ivankov nodded and his group took him to the doctors we had. Dragon and I told Ivankov about the suspicion. "I'll begin looking into it." I said.
  "Yeah, I trust you." Dragon said.
  I nodded and started the investigation. I was Dragon's right hand man, if someone was trying to ruin him...they would pay with their life.

  I read the newspaper from the News Coo. "Joyce, bring me the letters from my oldest daughter." I said.
  "Yeah!" She exclaimed, handing me the letters.
  "Ace...I know I saw that somewhere in her letters." I said. I found it and read. "Portagas D. he the same Ace that Jade knows?" I asked.
  "I'm sure it is! Ace isn't a very common name." Patty said.
  "Speaking of letters, I haven't gotten any from her in a while. I wonder how she's doing." I said.
  "You should invest in a long distance transponder snail." Gina said.
  "I probably should." I said, holding the picture of my kids that Jade sent me.

  I was battered, beaten, bleeding, branded, broken boned, bruised, burnt, cat scratched, cut, dirty, scalded, scarred, scathed, and scorched with shattered bones and torn clothes.
On top of that, I had electric burns and whip marks all over my body. I'd lost more blood than my body could compensate for.
My Sea Prism Stone chains clanked as I curled up on the cell floor. I needed to escape because this was hell and I'd been here since I was ten.
A slave and a sex slave...I hated it. I heard screams of bloody marry every day and night. I held my ears closed with my hands and closed my eyes.
One night I heard a girl begging for mercy, crying out so loud. "Stop." I whispered.
"Hmm?" The Celestial Dragon asked.
"Stop, please...I'll take her place." I said.
The Celestial Dragon smirked evilly. "I'll make you does that fancy you?" He asked.
I clenched my fists. "Stop, just leave her alone." I said.
"What!? You can't tell me what to do!!" He shouted.
I sat up weakly and glared at him. "I said... JUST LEAVE HER ALONE!!!!" I screamed.
The Celestial Dragon stopped and collapsed. The chains, collars, and cells all shattered. "She has Conqueror's Haki." A guard muttered, before passing out.
"Everyone...let's go." I said.
They nodded and we all ran. The guards of the Celestial Dragons came for us left and right. I beat them all and then we all escaped on a boat I had engineered quickly.
We got to a free island back in East Blue and I set them all free. I went to a store and looked for clothes other than the tatters I wore.
I found some. I put them on and retied the long blue bandana on my head and. I wore a black bra, a white capri sleeved shirt that I tied a little under my breasts, a blue flowing diagonal skirt that was high-cut and had a brown rope-like belt strung around the hip area.
On the right leg, the skirt covered my hip and a small portion of my thigh and it turned into a long skirt, and I also wore black boots.
I grabbed a katana blade, a wrench, earbuds, grabbed a phone and logged into my Spoitfy, and grabbed a bisentō. I grabbed a pack of gum and tossed a piece into my mouth. "Are you gonna pay for that?" The owner asked.
"Hell no, and you won't make me." I said, glaring back at him and he passed out. I grabbed a white flowing cloak and flipped the open sign to closed.
I put the cloak on and went to the island Aunt KK had taken Bree and Trista too. I smiled, they'd grown so much and they were both absolutely gorgeous. They were happy and it warmed my heart. Trista and Bree both saw me. I smiled and waved.
They smiled and waved back, then they ran out to hug me. I hugged them back and went into the house. Once night came, I explained what happened to my aunt. "What are you going to do?" She asked.
"The same thing I've always wanted to do. Be a pirate...but one that protects and my mom and Whitebeard." I said.
"That's a good goal." She said.
"Be sure to tell my kid sisters that I love them very much and that I promise I'll stay alive until I've sailed all the way across the Grand Line and New World." I said.
My aunt smiled. "I will, and please...take that boat in the dock." She said.
It was a smaller ship...but it was a big enough ship. I took that and began to sail.

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