Chapter 13: The Island That Haunts

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We surfaced in the New World. "Here we are, Luffy." Ace said.
"Yeah. One step closer to the One Piece. Alright guys, let's go!!!" Luffy shouted.
We sailed in the New World and went to the next island. We sailed from island to island and we had a lot of crazy encounters.
After a while in the New World, Luffy became the Fifth Emperor of the New World.
"Hey, we're running low on food." Sanji said, puffing out smoke from his cigarette.
"I need more Cola!" Franky shouted.
"Ok, so the next stop is basically a supplies run." Nami said.
Luffy laughed. "That's fine with me." Luffy said.
I knew from his laughter that Alex had done something. We anchored in stable waters and all went to sleep.

I was watching guard since I napped throughout the day like usual. As I watched, I heard muffled screaming from the ship. I jumped down and ran to the source, only to realize it was Jade's room.
I opened the door and shook her awake. "Hey! Hey!" I shouted.
She gripped her hair and was sweating like crazy. She had tears in her eyes. "What's the matter?" I asked.
"Oh my God...Zoro! I'm so sorry." Jade said.
"Don't worry about it, hang on a moment." I said, and I left for the kitchen. I grabbed a cup and filled it with ice water.
I handed her the cup and had her drink it. "Was it a nightmare or something?" I asked, sitting on her bed.
"More like bad memories that made me relive moments I really don't want to relive. I see them every time I close my eyes." She said.
"From your time with the Celestial Dragons?" I asked.
She gripped the cup and nodded. "I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Jade said, gripping her hair.
I smiled. "I was keeping watch, so I was awake." I said.
Jade sighed. "Just take a minute to recollect yourself. If you want a trick, meditation really helps the body and the mind." I said.
Jade smiled. "I'll keep that in mind." Jade said.
"You want me to stay in here with you until you fall asleep?" I asked.
"No! I don't want to make you feel obligated to do that." Jade said.
"I'm sure Alyssa wouldn't mind, especially if it helps you." I said.
Jade smiled. "I appreciate the gesture Zoro." Jade said.
"I'll send Ace in here, he seems like he'll be able to help." I said.
Jade gripped the cup and then smiled. I walked out of her room and to Ace who was looking up at the sky. I tapped his shoulder. "Huh?" Ace asked.
"I think Jade needs someone in there with her." I said.
"Yeah, I heard her scream. I was going to go in, but you beat me to it." Ace said.
"Go!" I shouted, shoving him.
He laughed and pulled his hat down. "Ok, ok!" Ace said.
I smiled, shook my head and climbed back up to my room in the mast.

There was a knock on my door. "Yeah." I said, sipping the water I was given.
"You ok?" Ace asked.
"Ace!" I exclaimed.
"I heard you scream, but Zoro beat me here." Ace said.
I lightly chuckled. "Thanks. I dunno if it will help though." I said.
"Eh, you'd be surprised just how much having someone in the room can be." Ace said, shutting the door and walking in.
"Maybe." I said, as he sat down on my bed. "You can lay down, I don't mind." I said.
"As long as you're ok with it." Ace said.
He laid down beside me and I caught myself drifting into sleep.

I had my hands behind my head and laid down. While she was asleep, she put her head on my chest. I blushed. 'So...close!' I thought, and I looked down at her. My cheeks lit up with blush. 'Ah!!! She's so beautiful when she's sleeping!' I thought.

Morning came and I woke up. Ace was sound asleep beside me and his arm was wrapped around me. I didn't want to move. I smiled as he woke up. He looked at me and then his arm and back to me. He jumped out of the bed and I laughed.
We both walked out onto the deck and we were almost at an island. Everyone was enjoying themselves as usual. When I saw the island in full view I stared blankly.
"Huh...Jade?" Luffy asked.
"Are you ok?" Zoro asked.
"You look terrified." Robin said.
"This is..." I started.
Jimbei's face changed too. "No." He said.
I nodded slowly. "This is the island where I was a slave...for seven years." I said.
They all gasped. I stumbled back and Ace caught me. "Jade...mmm. You guys go ahead, I think we're going to stay on the ship." Ace said, holding me as I fell to the ground.
"If I see any Celestial Dragons, I will end them." Luffy said.
My heart rate was so fast. "Yeah, me too." Zoro said.
"All of us will." Jaime said.
I gripped my forehead. "I got this." Ace said.
They split off. Luffy and Alex, Zoro and Alyssa, Sanji and Jaime, Nami, Usopp, and Brook, Robin and Chopper, Jimbei and Franky, and then Ace and I on the ship.
It was a winter island, so we were all dressed warm. "Hey Ace, there's hot tea in the kitchen." Sanji said.
Ace nodded. He made us some to calm me down and warm me up. "Hey Alyssa, make sure you don't let Zoro wonder!" Nami shouted.
Alyssa nodded and they all left in separate directions to get supplies. "Of all islands..." I started, staring at it.
"'s ok. I'm right here." Ace said.
I swallowed and clenched my fist. This was the place that caused me so much pain and suffering.
I closed my eyes and let a tear fall. Ace quickly wrapped his arms around me and just held me. I gripped his jacket and cried.

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