Chapter 11: The Fight For Fishman Island Begins

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"Oh, you know how long the log pose takes to settle?" Nami asked.
"Well, I'll tell you that you definitely don't want that log pose to navigate the New World." Camie said.
"Why, what's wrong with it?" Nami asked.
"You'll get lost using that one." Camie said.
"Oh. So what log pose do I use?" Nami asked.
"There is a log pose that has three different log poses. Each points to a new island. The one that's spinning the most is usually the most chaotic and unstable island. It's up to the navigator to use their gut instinct to pick which island we go to." I explained.
" How do you know so much?" Nami asked.
"You forget I had to sail through the New World to get back into East Blue." I said.
"Oh yeah!" Nami said.
I chuckled. "You guys sure are nice for pirates." Alex said.
"We're not bad people, and we're definitely not the stereotypical pirates either." Sanji said.
I had my feet in the water and smiled as everyone enjoyed the Mermaid Cove... especially Sanji.
Ace sat beside me. "You're awfully quiet, is... everything ok?" Ace asked.
"I'm just thinking." I said.
"About?" Ace asked.
I slugged his arm. "Quit being nosy." I said.
He laughed. "Ok, ok." Ace said.
"But if you must know, I'm thinking about the past." I said.
"That's unhealthy." Ace said.
I gripped my arms. " don't get over something like that over night. It just doesn't happen." I said, closing my eyes.
"I know that better than anyone." Ace said.
I relaxed my muscles. "Yeah...I know." I said.
"What eases my mind is just watching Luffy." Ace said and Luffy sneezed.
I looked at Luffy and he was showing off his rubberiness to Alex. I laughed a bit. "I guess you can always count on Luffy to make a fool out of himself." I said, chuckling.
Luffy sneezed again. "My, my Luffy. You're popular today." Brook said.
Luffy laughed. "I guess so!" Luffy shouted.
I smiled a bit. "Hey!! You two quit being loners and come over here!!" Luffy shouted.
  Ace and I laughed and we walked over to them. "Excuse me. I can't help but notice your that a thing humans do? It looks painful." Jaime asked.
"It's not something I did by choice." I said, sitting down.
"Oh?" Jaime asked.
"It's a brand mark." I said.
"It looks like a claw." Jaime said.
"That's because for seven years I was the slave of a Celestial Dragon." I said.
"They do that to humans too?" Jaime asked.
"Mmm-hmm." I said, and I explained to her what happened those seven years.
"That's terrible. I lure men down here all the time, and can see into their minds. I've never seen any of the men you're talking about though." Jaime said.
"That's not surprising, they stay up on the land." I said.
"Luffy!!!" Jimbei shouted.
We all turned. "Boss!" Alex exclaimed.
"Boss Jimbei!" Alyssa shouted.
Jimbei was out of breath. "Oh...Jimbei!!" Luffy shouted.
"You have to help me." Jimbei said.
"Hm?" Luffy asked.
"The island is in danger!" Jimbei said.
"How so?" Sanji asked.
"'re back to normal!" Chopper shouted.
Jimbei explained to us about the New Fishman Pirates and how they'd taken over the palace an had the royal family captive. He also introduced us to the Mermaid Princess who was out with guards before Jimbei ran into her.
"No way!" Nami shouted.
"They're doing a horrible thing. I have a plan." Jimbei said.
"Alright, let's hear it." Ace said.
Jimbei explained to us what his plan was. "You want us to get inside a sharks mouth." Ace said.
"Just Luffy, the rest of you will be on the ship and someone needs to steal back the keys to free the royal family." Jimbei said.
"Leave that to us." Nami said, pointing to herself and Usopp.
"I better be getting meat after this." Luffy said.
"You can have all the meat you want! Please, just save this island." Jimbei said.
Luffy stood up and held his hat down. "Yeah, count on it." Luffy said.
With that all done, Luffy got into Megalo's mouth and the rest of us got on the ship. Nami and Usopp hid to get the keys.
We had to shoot to the plaza with our ship finally recoated by Franky's friend Tom's younger brother.
Things got intense at the plaza from what I was hearing. Finally, Luffy burst out of Megalo's mouth and walked over to us. Nami and Usopp freed King Neptune and his three sons. They also went ahead and unchained the Mermaid Princess.
We all twelve (Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, Nami, Chopper, Robin, Franky, Brook, Ace, Jimbei, and I) all stood in a big group and the Fishman and Merfolk were watching as well.
"Get them!!!" Hody Jones shouted, his skin and hair was white and scary looking.
They charged at us and Luffy took out half of them with his Conqueror's Haki. The rest of us sprang into action.
We took out all the forces with everyone's new abilities and strength and Franky's new toys that he had built.
The twelve of us stood and looked at the giant and the eleven officers that stood before us. Luffy of course fought Hody Jones.
There were eleven people left now, the officers. The more powerful ones in other words. They all ate a lot of pills that worked like steroids.
It was a lot like Chopper's rumble balls. There was girl with white hair, green eyes, purple makeup, and red nail polish. She had on a seashell necklace, a black strapless, sleeveless dress that then turned into tentacles.
Her hands lit up green and she looked powerful. She had eaten several of the energy steroids. This made her grow five times in size and then she charged at me.
I smirked, put a piece of gum in my mouth, plugged one ear bud into my ear, and shuffled my music. I grabbed my bisentō and costed it in Armament Haki. I gestured her to come at me.

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