Chapter 6: Marineford

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I squirmed out of the barrel and breathed out. "Phew." I sighed.
I heard what was going on at Impel Down and knew that meant Luffy got my message from Kuma, but too late it seemed. 'Kuma...I knew that was the last time we'd meet, thanks.' I said.
I had heard that Ace was being marched up to the scaffold. I grabbed an officer, beat her up, and took the clothes. "Ugh, so not my fashion." I said, and I pulled the hat down to cover my face.
I went with the other guards and then I pushed my way to the front. I saw Ace looking down as they grabbed him out of the cell. I moved out of formation and the guards came to attack me. I smirked and stared, they all collapsed. Ace was confused to say the least.
I grabbed the key and un-cuffed him. "What are you doing? Why are you helping a pirate?" Ace asked.
"Because...give me a minute." I said. I took off the disguise and put my clothes back on. "I don't feel like watching you die." I said.
"Jade!" He shouted.
"I saw you die in the future, I'm here to change that. Make sense?" I asked.
"Yeah...but, never mind. I appreciate it." Ace said.
"Luffy invaded Impel Down, but got to level six too late. I wish I could have gotten the message to Luffy sooner." I said.
"This is great and all, but you could die!" Ace shouted.
"Better me than you, do you know what that would do to Luffy...if you died?" I asked.
Ace clenched his fists. "Well, do you have any idea how to get out?" Ace asked.
"I was planning on jacking a Navy ship." I said.
"You're nuts!" Ace shouted.
"I said planning, but I just heard word that Luffy took over a Navy ship from Impel Down and is headed here. Also, a little bird told me that Whitebeard is coming this way. Ace, you should be grateful that so many people care about you." I said.
"I am, I's're...alive! You're here! And you're...stunning." Ace said.
I blushed. "Th-Thanks." I said, hiding my face.
"Where have you been for the last seven years? Did I really see you in Alabasta?" Ace said.
"The first one is going to take time to explain. And yes, you saw me in Alabasta." I said.
Ace smiled, and I grabbed his hand pulling him behind me as I ran.
We got out into the plaza. "The hell!?" My uncle asked. "Stop them!!!" He shouted.
The navy soldiers surrounded us. Ace looked back at me as if to get confirmation that he could fight. I shot a snow blast at a group of the soldiers and that basically signaled him to attack.
The Whitebeard Pirates showed up and then Luffy and them from Impel Down showed up and a huge fight broke out between the groups. The Whitebeard Pirates helped Luffy's group from Impel Down.
"Luffy!" I shouted.
"Jade! Ace!" He shouted, launching towards us. "You started without me!" Luffy shouted.
"Is that really what you care about right now?" I asked.
"No!! I'm glad you're both alive!" Luffy said.
We chuckled and the battle was long and vicious, bloody and violent. There were a lot of casualties on either side.
"Luffy!" Jimbei shouted, jumping into action with us.
"Do something!!" My uncle exclaimed.
Akainu jumped into the action and I remembered how Ace died on the future I saw. Right then, Akainu went after Luffy, full magma mode. Ace charged in with his fire burning.
I tossed water at him and the magma-coated fist only got partially through Ace's fire body. It burned Ace, but it didn't kill him. I was so relieved. Of course Ace was going to have a nasty scar. "Luffy! Get him out of here!" I shouted. "Jimbei, please protect those two trouble makers." I said.
"Count on it." Jimbei said.
I smirked. The people I cared about were gone now...I could let loose all I wanted. The air around me swirled and cut the ice causing a massive blizzard.
I tossed at all of them, wiping them out. "Amazing!" Jimbei shouted.
Akainu continued to pursue Jimbei, and he and Luffy got hit. He was about to finish it off.
"No!" I shouted, shooting ice in his way.
He growled and came towards me. "NOW LAW!" I shouted, and the submarine ship appeared.
"Jimbei, wait!" I shouted, and he stopped. "Here, Luffy loves that hat." I said, handing the straw hat to him.
"What will you do?" Jimbei asked.
"Trust me, I'll be fine. Just get those two out of here." I said.
Jimbei nodded. "Go now Law!" I shouted.
He nodded to me and then they left. Kizaru and Aokiji came towards me and Akainu got up. 'Only way to deal with Logia devil fruit users.' I thought. I coated my body and bisentō in Armament Haki.
I started to fight the three admirals. I wrapped them in wind and tossed them back. Then it happened...Whitebeard.
I gasped watching it happen. "D-D-Did...they.. make it?" He asked.
I used my Observation Haki to find them and they had gotten away successfully. "Yeah." I said.
"Good." Whitebeard said. "THE ONE PIECE...IS REAL!!!" He screamed, and then he died, standing up, with two holes on his body. He was like a statue.
I covered my nose and mouth as he died, tears fell. The man that was like a dad to Ace...he had just died.
"Pay attention!" Akainu shouted, charging. I dodged and kicked him using my Haki both times.
The navy wouldn't quit and pointless blood was shed. I was battling the three admirals and gasped when I felt Akainu punch into me. I stumbled back and fell to the ground holding my abdomen.
I closed my eye in pain, crying. "You're powerful, and if you weren't the Fleet Admiral's neice...I'd kill you. For now, I think leaving a scar works. Or...I could save the Navy the trouble and kill you now." Akainu said.
I stared and he went in to attack me. Ice shot up between us and I gasped. "Come on!!" Shanks shouted, and he pulled me away.
" just missed Luffy." I said.
Shanks smiled. "It's not time yet." He said.
Oh yeah...the promise they made. I held my abdomen and grunted. I lifted my hand. "That's bad." Shanks said.
"I know." I said.
"This war is over anyways. Sit tight." Shanks said.
I nodded. My uncle respected Shanks and Whitebeard so they talked a bit. One of the former Whitebeard Pirates named Marco ran to me. " alright?" He asked.
I nodded and froze it off with my ice. Boa Hancock walked over to me. "You're one of Luffy's friends?" She asked.
I nodded. "Then, I shall take you to Maiden Island as well as your friends in the submarine." She said.
I nodded, and she lifted me up. Just like that, the events of Marineford were over and things were back to peaceful. Law wrapped me up since he was a doctor. I stood on the submarine. "Jimbei!" I shouted.
"You should be resting." Hancock said.
"No...I'm fine. Those two brothers really need the rest." Jimbei said.
I nodded. "They'll both survive-ya." Law said. "They'll both have scars for sure though-ya." Law said.
I nodded. "Jimbei...thank you. I know Luffy's a pain." I said.
Jimbei laughed. "It's alright." He said.
We got to Maiden Island and Law cared for Luffy. Jimbei and the Heart Pirates' males had to stay on the bay.
They said I was welcome to the island though. I sat on the cliff and touched my abdomen where Akainu hit me. "Aokiji." I said.
"Huh?" They all asked, looking at me.
"Aokiji...he saved me from Akainu." I said.
"Why would be do that?" Jimbei asked.
I shook my head. "No clue." I said.
Rayleigh showed up and stayed with us on the bay.
Luffy and Ace finally both got up and came to see us. Law and I talked privately. "You sure you don't want to come?" Law asked.
I looked back at Ace, Jimbei, Rayleigh, and Luffy. I smiled. "Nah, those boys need someone to keep them in line and care for them...and...I have to tell them what happened." I said.
"I understand. Ciao-ya." He said, and he and his crew left.
I waved and they waved back, crying. I breathed out, and explained to Ace and Luffy what happened after Law saved them. "Blackbeard took Whitebeard's life and the Tremor-Tremor Fruit. The Whitebeard Pirates disbanded, they're holding a funeral for him thank to 'Red-Haired' Shanks." I said.
"That's a downer." Ace said.
"Ace!! That means you can join my crew now!!" Luffy said.
I knew that was coming and couldn't help but laughing. "Well...I guess you're not really gonna give me the choice." Ace said.
"Nope! Come on!! It'll be fun!!!" Luffy shouted.
"I know it'll be fun, but it's the fact that I'd have you as a captain!" Ace shouted.
Jimbei and I laughed. "Please...Ace!!!" Luffy begged.
"Alright!" Ace shouted.
"WHOO HOOO!!!" Luffy shouted.
"You two should get some rest." I said.
They looked at me. "She's right." Jimbei said.
They laid down and I used my water to cool the scars on their bodies as they slept. "Those two owe you their lives. As do I." Jimbei said.
I smiled. "It's no big deal." I said and Jimbei smiled.

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