03: soft like flowers, cold like ice.

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Chapter 03: WONDERS


I was in search of room 310. The third floor was a lot bigger than the ground hall. As soon as the steps ended there was a huge circular disc in the middle with sundry paths all over.

There were no lockers here so it made the foyer look colossal. Every wall had a notice board covered in a glass cage. Announcements, club volunteering, fundraisers, town balls, every poster was stuck up with four push pins. I wanted to devote solid five minutes to each poster but right now, I didn't have a second to spare. 

Turning around holding my schedule in my hand, I understood the pattern that the room numbers went from left to right in ascending order. I rush to the last room from the right showing 310. I knock thrice and swing the door open. 

A middle-aged man sat leaning on the teacher's desk while having a stick file in front of his face. His face peeked out of the file to me, just like the other thirty pairs of eyes. He lowered his stick file, "Are you lost, Miss . . ." 

"Summer," I said stepping inside as I held out my schedule. "I'm Elena Summer, I'm new." 

"And late," his face showed disappointment as he grabbed the schedule from my hand before glancing at his watch. 

I'm also very close to losing it. 

I observed the man in front of me. English professors aren't all going to be Ezra Fitz. Fandoms should start breaking stereotypes. His receding grey hairline told me he was experienced but his lean figure gave out a perfectionist vibe. His phone screen went off with a notification. I saw the picture of his wife and two kids on his lock screen. Family man, they don't lose temper. 

"Very well, Miss Summer. It's your first day, hence you're pardoned. But I expect you to be present five minutes before my class begins. I'm George Malcolm, I'll be taking English for you." He handed me my schedule. I nodded to his instruction, taking it, and instantly turning around, hunting for an empty seat. "Miss Summer? It would be impolite to take your seat before introducing yourself to the class." 

Shit. I almost forgot this ritual for newcomers. 

I meet thirty new pairs of eyes in anticipation of my said introduction. My English Professor joins my side. The class is suddenly in absolute silence, I could hear the erratic beating of my heart like a drumroll. 

I gulp when I see smirks floating around on random faces. "Um--" 

"Mr. Castor, aren't you a little too early for your next class?" Mr. Malcolm announces beside me and my head snaps at Justin who is casually leaning against the doorframe with his hands pushed into the pockets of his white hoodie, and chewing gum. 

Of course, he's in this class too. Why had I conveniently left out that possibility in my head? His eyes don't glance at Mr. Malcolm, he keeps them glued to me. I shut my eyes, tightening my jaw as I look away. 

"Got held up," he says and I see him flashing his broken phone. "Hella broke my phone and threatened to kill me." The class gushes into low chuckles. How quickly had the word spread? 

I roll my eyes and pretend as if I'm staring at the schedule in my hand. "Get inside. Last warning or you can learn the value of punctuality by cleaning the school gym at detention." He begins to walk inside. "Spit the gum, please?" 

"On anyone?" He spins around, his eyes adhered to mine. Imbecile.

"In the trash bin." Mr. Malcom says with gritted teeth before eyeing the bunch of students that laughed. 

Justin gestures to the first bench boy for a page. The boy tears it right away before handing it to him. He slowly spits the gum onto the paper, balls it up, and throws it into the trash bin without moving an inch. My gruesome expression reminds me of the breakfast I ate this morning. I don't bother seeing whether the paper ball made it to the trash or not but the smirk on his face and the muffled cheering tells me it did. 

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