15: starbucks

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Chapter 15: Starbucks coffee.


"I've known Spencer since kindergarten. We went to the same school, the same high school, and we have been best friends who are neighbors ever since. So trust me when I tell you, she doesn't let anyone in so easily." Caleb told me as both of us sipped coffee. 

Cold coffees and winter never seemed a right fit until it was sipped. There's something about having iced drinks when the temperature drops. Kind of like a rebellion move against the weather. 

Caleb had got us to Starbucks which was near the Castor house. I was growing familiar with the routes and roads. Although we drove on my bike, he navigated us so technically he bought us here. Seeing the overpriced coffee here, we internally wished we'd gone to The Velveteen instead. But we were already at the billing counter and because we didn't want to seem rude, we ordered one cold coffee each. 

He brought in red roses from a flower shop right beside Starbucks. He gave it to me with an excuse that it's chivalrous to buy a woman flowers when you go out for coffee. I wasn't a fan of red roses but I had become a fan of his efforts. We should bring back the era when efforts were a sign of sexy and not bodies. 

When I told Caleb about how Spencer told me about her ex-relationship with Vivian, amusement was lucid on his face. He clearly looked surprised and impressed. 

"I'll take your word then," I smiled with the straw of the cold coffee stuck into my mouth. "How is your assignment looking?" 

Caleb pulls his mouth away from the straw. We were not picking the coffees up and into our hands. We were being inane in Starbucks to break the stereotypical high standards it portrays. 

"We went to three places already. God, the food in the North Border is spectacular. Do you like Thai food?" I nod my head. "Then you have to try this restaurant called Siam Spice. A little expensive but oh, the Green Thai Curry—rice, green curry, and Thai spices is worth every damn penny." Caleb sinks into his seat closing his eyes. A smile creeps onto my face. "Good lord, it's my current favorite food in the world."

I laugh, agreeing it might taste good just by the way he's describing it with that expression on his face. Spencer and he must have had fun going to these places and tasting food without having to spend money from their pockets. The sponsored assignments are a new flex and every school should offer such activities, with the right partners.  

"Is Spencer enjoying it too?" I ask him because she rarely talks about their assignment. 

I see his smile drop for a second before he forces it back up. He straightens up and he nods, without meeting my eyes. "I guess. It's food, who won't enjoy it?" He shrugs and I second it. "What about you? Is Justin giving you a hard time?" 

"Yes," I purse my lips and Caleb begins to laugh. He has to lean away from his mug as he chuckles making his shoulders shrug up and down, rhythmically. I can't help but smile too. "The places he's chosen are so beautiful. It's like heaven reshaped with creativity. And then he opens his mouth." Caleb laughs louder. I sigh, almost complaining. "Such arrogance. Such haste. Such a control freak. He annoys me, lock, stock, and barrel." 

Caleb takes a breath, holding his stomach and leaning against his chair, almost sinking. "He can be an idiot sometimes."

"Sometimes?" I scowl and Caleb holds the bridge of his nose as he straightens up. "He poured an entire bottle of water on me just because I posted an innocent picture as a joke." 

Caleb drops his hand and stares at me, blankly. "Elena, you posted a dick picture. It's not innocent. If Justin reacted the way he would normally, he'd have thrown you out of his car, left you there, and carelessly gone home." 

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