24: Cece Reglin

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Chapter 24: Cece Reglin.


What you need after an afternoon basketball gym routine: a hot shower, baggy sweats, hair pulled up into a loose bun, hot sushi, and the fourth season of The Office. 

I hear a knock on my door when I've relished all the above on a warm couch. It's nearly five in the evening and I already feel like going to bed. I stash the sushi in the dishes and unlock the door. 

Whiskey eyes lift up to me from his phone screen. A careless smile pulls his lips into slight curls. "Hello, Summer." He says sliding his phone inside the pockets of his pants. 

I greet him with a confused smile. Justin Castor hadn't come to school today. After our equipment room session yesterday, I figured he'd bailed because he was embarrassed about the events. But seeing him leaning against my door frame with no hint of shame makes me realize I'd been wrong this whole time. 

His eyes lurk at me from top to bottom before his lips purse. "Change. We're going somewhere." 

My smile falls but the confusion on my face stays intact. Firstly, I was already planning to sleep. Secondly, I was drained out. Thirdly, we only go out at midnight and he'd given me no intimation about this. Fourthly, well, his words were a command.

"For the project?" I asked still holding the door. He shakes his head. I wait for an explanation but nothing comes out of his sealed mouth. "Where are we going then?" More importantly, why are we going then? But that would seem not polite. 

"To meet someone." He sighs. 

He's getting annoyed. He doesn't like the question and answers session we're doing. I take a step back and nod. If Justin has something in mind, I'm confident this is already a well-thought idea. I don't have to worry about it. 

I walk to the stairs and I realize he's still leaning against the door. "I don't own this house, I can't invite you in," I smirk when he rolls his eyes and hurls inside my house, closing the door behind me. "You are not a vampire. Weird. Then what are you?" I laugh. He taps his watch three times and I hurry up the stairs. 

Ten minutes later, I'm storming down the stairs with a grey turtle neck sweater and skinny jeans, and my black boots. Justin has cleaned my living room, switched all the lights off, and is waiting by the door again. Freak. 

We lock the house and I get in his car. "What time is your father coming back?" 

I frown. "He's on a night shift today. He has a midnight surgery to perform." 

Justin's eyes flinch in disappointment. He doesn't explain anything after that and I don't bother asking. If he wanted me to know, he would've told me. Justin's long grey trench coat over his all-black outfit makes everything about him look dangerous and classy. He dresses like his personality. 

"You didn't come to school today. Why?" I tilt my chin to him. 

His lips curl. "Missed me?" 

Answering my questions with new questions. I surprise him by not giving a savage answer. "A little." His smile grows as his eyes cut to me. "Nobody mocked me, or insulted me, or strangled me, it was too good to be true. Perfection, even." 

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