06: eyes on the hoop

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Chapter 06: eyes on the hoop.


Ultimately, I'll finish one week of school if I finish one hour of gym class after lunch today. The timetable is messed up, no one in the right mind would keep gym after lunch. I've vented enough about how biologically wrong it is to Nate in the last week and he's agreed with me each time. 

Don't die while playing. I'll have to sue the school if you do. 
17 mins ago

We haven't been able to talk every day but I've kept him updated through texts. I miss him so much, I'm certain he'd have stuck up to Justin so much better than me. He was proud of my popularizing cult. He told me to start an Instagram page for it, keeping it private of course. 

Hehe okay. How's everything at home?

Spencer and I took up Nate's suggestion. We formed the page together on a video call. Spencer could stop ranting about how perfect Nate is after I ended the call. He is, I was seconding her. Our private Instagram page with the username 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐣𝐜_𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐛 (how original, I know) grew with 172 followers in four days. Justin had a lot of haters and a lot of people who wanted entertainment out of it. But we weren't going to just put up 'I Hate Justin Castor' posts. We were going to make a productive organization out of this. I just wasn't sure what it was going to be. 

I dusted my camera and unpacked it right after I went home from The Velveteen a week ago. I've been out clicking pictures every morning. The sunrise, the birds, the dew drops, and the sky look absolutely majestic in Cadford. 

I've been getting a lot of headaches in the last week. I figured it was because of the pressure of settling in. The headaches were a kind I've never had before. Lasts for a short time but hits hard. Everything in front of me fazes for a second before I refocus my sight and everything comes back to normal. I'm just overthinking it. 

I visit the cemetery every Sunday with Dylan and dad, and every Wednesday, alone. When we visited together yesterday, my balloon and daisies were still there, only, the daisies had dried up. So I replaced them with fresh ones. 

The OG boys aren't as bad as they're portrayed. Well, there's one exception. Caleb has helped me so much in understanding Chemistry, I felt bad that I wasn't helping him with anything in return. Honestly, Caleb is the best of the three. He deserves a medal for being so kind in spite of having a monster's influence. 

Holden got in on my tutoring with Caleb. He's as free-living as the definition means. He has two evident sides. The side when his sister is around, and the side when his sister is away. Iris, Holden's sister affects his behavior. He strives to set a good big brother example when she's around but the moment she's gone, he's the worst influence on mankind. 

Dylan flipped when Vivian paid me a visit to my house to deliver the basketball jersey that I could've easily collected in school. Her honest generosity fetched the same reaction from Dylan as it did from the other boys in the cafe that evening. She was side-tracked. But she's a very powerful person who discredited herself too much out of habit. She needed that wake-up call. 

Speaking of discrediting, Justin and I maintained appreciative distance. Spencer and I had altered everything except the cafeteria seating arrangement. We had the girls hover over the top table but the moment Justin and Holden gave a look, they caved in. 

It's hard to avoid him when he's always showing up. We don't bother greeting each other when I see him in my house with Dylan, or on the basketball field after school for practice, or even in English when we're sitting next to each other. Well, I'm glued to the wall and he's glued to the other row's empty desk. God only knows what we're going to do about the project. 

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