~ Chapter 5 ~

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A/N: This chapter is kinda a hot mess....sorry!!!

-In Houndsworth-

~Cecilia's POV~

Angela the maid of the house, with the short white hair and strange lavender eyes, showed me to my room. There was something about this woman I did not like. Every moment I was around her I felt a rage boiling deep within me. Something deep inside of me wanted to tear this woman to pieces. It unsettled me.

"Is something wrong, Lady Cecilia?" Angela asked in a noxiously sweet voice.

I just want to rip out your intestines and strangle you with them, that's all, I thought venomously, "Not at all, thank you Angela." I put on my best courtier's mask of graciousness and stepped into the room that was to be mine during our stay.

"Not at all, Lady Cecilia, if you need anything more, don't hesitate to call." With that said she swept me a bow and left the room. My skin crawled as I watched her walk away.

As soon as she was gone the rage inside of me diminished. I sighed and looked about the room, this manor definitely belonged to a man, there were taxidermy animal heads mounted on the wall, the sheets were dark and unattractive and everything was bold. Everything smelled musky and unpleasant. I sighed and plopped on the side of the bed. It was a little lump and uncomfortable.

As I was retiring for bed, I heard a loud terrifying howl outside, followed by Mey-Rin's screaming. I bolted outside immediately looking for the source of the commotion. Everyone turned to stare at me, Bard's eyes looked ready to bulge right out of his head, Finny turned bright red, I didn't think to grab a robe. My cheeks burned with heat as Sebastian's eyes fell on me, I was wearing a sleeveless black nightgown that was very short, at least I had thigh high stockings on, not that it helped very much. Ciel glared at Bard and cleared his throat. I shivered as Sebastian's gaze lingered on me. He stepped forward and shrugged out of his black coat before draping it over my shoulders buttoning it closed in the front, so my body was hidden from lingering eyes.

"You must be freezing, my lady." He offered, politely, as he finished the task, ever the gentleman.

My face burned hot with embarrassment, "Thank you, Sir Sebastian."

He smiled at me for a moment and swept a stray strand of hair out of my face before returning to Ciel. Angela flew out of the house at a run and I felt the rage stir within me. Lord Barrymore, our host, soon showed up, though to me he looked a little out of breath.

"It seems the demon hound got someone, I was worried it may have been you outsiders." He said nonchalantly. He didn't seem all that worried.

I raised an eyebrow at this and we all went to check it out. The people were carrying the corpse of the man while chanting some wicked chant that made me think of the occult. We surveyed the crime scene and I noticed Ciel inspecting some phosphorescent powder.

"You suspect trickery, brother dear?" I asked softly while the others talked with Lord Barrymore and Angela.

"I don't think a demon hound is the cause of this." He admitted before looking up at me, "Cecilia, are you feeling alright, we've been walking around quite a bit, how is your health?"

I smiled, since my resurrection was completed, my body had improved greatly and I didn't seem to have any problems with a weak constitution anymore. "I feel much better than I ever have."

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