~ Chapter 19 ~

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~Ciel's POV~

Cecilia, Sebastian and I were on our way to Paris for the expo. I felt that each step I got closer to exacting my revenge and finding out who killed my parents, I took a step farther from my sister, she was changing so quickly, she was so strong now and she was a celestial being an angel, albeit an angel of death, and when all of this is over, she'll be gone. I'd just gotten her back, I couldn't lose her again. I often found myself glaring at Sebastian for no reason, it wasn't his fault, I was the one who summoned him, I was the one who made a contract with him and I was the one who allowed him to fall in love with my sister. It was all my fault I was going to be losing her again. He hungered for my sister more and more every day the stronger she got the more he hungered for her, and it scared me.

At the moment, Cecilia was her old self, laughing and smiling and even dancing. She'd gotten a group together to play music on the ship and when she danced, everyone stopped to watch. It was amazing that the fragile looking girl so full of life while she danced was the same girl as the terrifying winged goddess. People gathered to watch my sister dance, she should have been a dancer, her movements were so graceful, so controlled and poised yet so free and wild all at the same time. She caught me by the hand and pulled me along with her.

"Dance with me brother, you look so unhappy." She smiled and I quickly fell in step with her, I'd never be as good as her never execute the moves with as much precision and grace as she did, but everyone told me I was a wonderful dancer, but that was all due in part to having her as an instructor.

I soon found my tension dissolving; she had that effect on people. Her smile could light up the world and she could dissolve all your worries and at the same time she could destroy life and wreak havoc if she so willed. My sister was a walking contradiction, an angel of hell, a creature of light doomed to darkness, but somehow it all worked. When we were children, she was so sick and weak and she still had the purest of hearts and always had a bright smile for me, and now she had a second chance and she was much stronger.

"What is troubling you, brother?"

We'd stopped dancing and we'd ended up back in our quarters away from the other guests upon the ship. How had I not realized this? I looked up at my sister; her piercing blue eyes were filled with concern. "We're getting closer to our goal, and I know I'll lose you." I whispered.

Sebastian froze in his spot pouring the tea and I thought I saw his eyes narrow into a glare for the briefest of moments. Cecilia kissed the top of my head. "Don't worry, brother dear. You should change, we'll be arriving soon." She ruffled my hair as she got up to leave and I saw her and Sebastian exchange a look, there was a warning in her eyes, she'd noticed him glare as well.

We arrived in Paris not long after that and made our way to the expo, there was tension in the air, it crackled between the two of them like lightning in a storm. Were they fighting? A pair of men passing by mentioned something about a winged angel on display in one of the expos. We needed to see this, my mind immediately darted to Angela. We headed to the display only to find a stuffed monkey with wings.

"That's ridiculous, it's just a stupid monkey." I grumbled and we turned to leave, and that's when all hell broke loose.

There was a scream from behind us as the monkey came to life and broke from its glass case and flew straight at me. Cecilia's arms encircled me and she pulled me out of the way of its attack. It screeched and began attacking all the lights. I panicked.

"Young master, it's alright, you two go on ahead, I will take care of this." Sebastian said calmly, though I felt he was only doing it to appease Cecilia.

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