~ Chapter 6 ~

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A/N: Shenanigans 

~Cecilia's POV~

When next I woke, I was in some foreign place, a room completely bathed in red and black, I was lying on a giant canopy bed with thick blood red hangings and black and red satin sheets. I looked down, someone had changed my clothes, I was wearing a blood red night gown. Perhaps I was having another one of my dark dreams and Sebastian would suddenly climb through the curtain. I felt me face burn with heat at the thought; oh I'm having 'those' dreams now. I shook my head and threw back the covers. I crawled to the edge of the bed and pushed aside the hanging. The room was dark, and there were two blood red lounge chairs beside a long-diminished fire, however, they weren't empty.

"Why did you kidnap her?" I knew that voice from somewhere, it sent a shiver down my spine, but also made me feel safe.

"She stole my, Bassy! That hussy!" A high-pitched voice whined.

Hussy?! Wait, kidnapped? Where on earth was I? I jumped from the bed and searched wildly for some sort of weapon. I settled for a hot poker in a stand next to the bed and held it tightly in my hands readying for a fight.

"She's awake." The chilling voice said and the two figures sitting in the lounge chairs moved, so fast I barely saw them, one was standing before me and the other was behind me, the one in front of me had long flaming red hair and very familiar eyes, and was way too decked out in red, obsess much?

I readied myself to attack, when strong arms encircled me from behind and familiar silver hair cascaded around me. I felt myself relaxing, against my will, in his arms and the hot poker slipped from my grasp.

"Calm down, my sweet."

"Let me go." My voice was breathless, I felt the world around me shift, I didn't feel steady, my vision was beginning to blur, what was he doing to me? "Stop." I whined as everything began to spin, "Please." The world righted itself and I felt myself sinking to the floor.

The weirdo with the long mane of flaming red hair and sharp green eyes looked down at me for a moment before approaching with a sigh, "I hate to be so rude to you, Lady Cecilia, you were so nice to me." He knelt before me and swept a few stray strands of pale blond hair out of my face.


"Do you not recognize me?" He squealed, something about his demeanor was familiar as well as his eyes.


"Oh, you do recognize me!" He beamed as he wrapped me in a tight hug, "Perhaps I could keep you for myself."

"Return me at once." I growled shoving him away from me.

The man behind me chuckled, "I told you, my sweet child would want nothing to do with you."

"Undertaker?" I turned to see the very man who granted me my second life kneeling behind me.

"Hello love." He beamed.

This was all just one messed up dream; clearly, I was imagining it all. "Why am I here?" I scooted away from Grelle and closer to Undertaker, I'd take my chances with him, he was more familiar, and a lot less creepy.

"Well at first I wanted to get rid of you so I could have Bassy all to myself but now that you're here and in red, I think maybe I'll keep you, red is your color my dear." Grelle squealed happily grabbing me by the arms and wrenching me to my feet so he could waltz me around the room like a maniac.

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