Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

I had now known Jene for a day, and even in that short amount of time, I'd learnt to read him. He may have shown a calm façade, but fury rolled through every move he made.

My relief at seeing him fought with the urge to run away from his anger. He could get me out of this bizarre and dangerous situation I found myself in, or at least I hoped he could.

My fear now edged with relief. My body relaxed to the point where my legs started to shake. Jene's crazy genie outfit now appeared as strong as a suit of armour to me. He had a steely resolve while his blue eyes pierced the strangers who dared to capture me. This man had rather swiftly turned into my hero.

"You dare such a move against me?" Jene sounded polite, but his voice contained a dark foreboding.

"I meant nothing by it," Hemiera giggled and pressed a hand to her very well endowed chest. "All I wanted was to meet your little pet." She went to pat me on the head as if I was a dog.

"You dared to take what is mine!" Jene growled and I could only stare at him.

This sight of Jene left me mesmerised with a tiny ounce of terror that I couldn't deny. He also unnerved my captors, when he grasped Hemiera's hand before she could touch me. Gargoyle man disappeared in a blink leaving Hemiera as the focus of Jene's furious gaze.

"Jene, your pet had an allure that I wanted to know more of, so I took her aside to meet her." Hemiera tried to continue with innocence.

"Mine!" Jene reached out and grasped the chain that linked to my collar.

"Jene, this being is nothing but a pet. She is not your Genie-Us, so I cannot understand your issue." Hemiera didn't release the chain holding me, in fact she tightened her grip.

"Genie-Us! Mine!" Jene bellowed the words, and the possession within them made me stagger.

"You're hurting me." I managed to choke out the words as the chain became a tug of war between Jene and my captor.

Jene froze, his anguished eyes landing on me. The fervour of possession that had claimed him only moments before disappeared. The woman eyed me in shock as if not expecting me to talk, even when I'd spoken to her before.

"Your pet speaks out of turn." Hemiera exclaimed.

"What do you not understand about the words Genie-Us?" Jene snapped.

"You have had and lost your Genie-Us. You cannot have another. Never try to trick me, Jene. If she was your Genie-Us, why dress her up as your pet?" Hemiera turned haughty and smug.

"Release what is mine!" Jene demanded in a deep, dubious voice.

"I must protest," Hemiera yanked at my chain and I gagged. "You lost her, she now belongs to me." That smug voice sent chills down my spine.

Hemiera tried to yank the chain from Jene's firm grip and failed. She made me choke and stumble. That was the moment the room faded for me, and everything became a vivid red. I heard a shriek and a sizzling noise. Thunder and lightning crashed around me, and then silence. I opened my eyes to a sickening scene.

Jene stood over Hemiera with a shocked expression. The woman, who used to be a beauty, now had a jagged scar seared down her face, onto her chest, and into her arm. She stared at her hand that no longer resembled a hand. A melting mass of skin with five blobs where her fingers should have been were all that existed.

"What did you do to me, Jene?" Hemiera screamed.

"I did nothing." Jene quickly denied.

"How did I end up like this if you did nothing?" Hemiera screamed as she caught sight of her face in a mirror. "Change me back! Fix me!" she started thrashing around before she tossed her head in her hands.

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