Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

I had just noticed that Jene's lamp still sat in his hands and I pondered that strangeness. I had assumed that the Realm would take back the lamp because it contained most of the magic.

Jene turned to me and grinned in such a wonderful way that my thoughts left me. I revelled in the warmth of his smile and that he was now with me. All my months of missing him disappeared in the intoxicating delight of seeing his perfection in front of me.

"What the heck am I supposed to do with this?" Candy asked as she stared at the lamp in her hands that contained a punished Harrison.

"Make wishes to get your hearts desire," I replied with a shrug. "Mum wouldn't have given it to you unless she knew you had something you desperately wanted."

"This whole thing... I'm totally confused and I know I can't tell anyone, but..." she trailed off sounding both doubtful and unsure.

"We can discuss it whenever you want." I tried to reassure her.

"I shall aid you, Candice. This will ease your mind and allow you to see all that occurred between us and your brother." Jene stepped forward, but waited for her to agree.

"I'll give anything a try at the moment." She grimaced.

Jene placed two fingers on her forehead, whispered a few words beneath his breath, and touched the lamp edge between his two fingers. Candy froze for a long moment. A gasp escaped her and she blinked her eyes. With a glance at Jene and me she sighed.

"I understand why he's in here now. Thanks for showing me, Jene. It's hard to believe that he's the same guy I know as my brother." Candy frowned at the lamp in her hand.

"What did you show her?" I asked.

"I saw everything from the day he picked up Jene's lamp until today. I really was a bit of an idiot in that life." Candy replied in a daze.

"That's an abrupt history lesson." I stared at Jene with wide eyes.

"It aids all of us for Candice to understand." Jene said and refused to say anything else.

"He deserved this." Candy waved the lamp at me.

"True. If you make your wishes he's one step closer to coming back to this life." I waved a hand around us.

We heard a noise at the front door, and I realised our parents must have come home. Damn, I had nothing sorted, except for Harrison's punishment. There were so many things I wanted to talk to Jene about, but it would have to wait. I had no clue what to tell my parents either. It had been a full on afternoon.

"We need to get out of this room or mum's going to think we've gone through her collection." Candy shrieked.

"You're right we've got to get out of here. Jene you have to hide your lamp because mum will think it's hers." I declared

Jene stared at the pair of us lunatics as if we'd lost our minds, "you have magic and I have magic. This is not a situation that requires such panic." Jene stayed the calmest.

"You don't know mum!" Candy now stared at the lamp in her hand as if she'd stolen it, and then danced around frantically.

"Humans always have such difficulty seeing the obvious." Jene sighed as if were utterly ridiculous.

He reached out to touch both Candy and I, which stilled the world around us. I breathed out a sigh of relief that someone had managed to think through this situation. It's funny to think that we had such anxiety about what we would've got into trouble for as kids, even while we were adults.

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