Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

I levered myself rather sleepily up on Jene's chest. With my head held on my hand I watched him. Seeing him and knowing that he was here with me made me happier then I'd ever been in my life.

Doubt had planted a seed within me about how long he could stay, especially when he kept avoiding the topic. What if he had a new human who wanted wishes? What happened if he had to go back to the Realm without me? I didn't want our time to be so fleeting, but I had to face the reality.

"What happens to us now?" I asked when those sapphire eyes focused on me.

"She-Gen and I had a long discussion about this topic. She was most displeased at my decision. I made her talk to the Gods before returning to discuss my future with me. You see, the Gods had come into my dreams to warn me that She-Gen would want to keep me. It is not up to her. The Gods were most favourable towards me. They felt as if I had become the burden of many of their mistakes and that I deserved atonement. Therefore, they agreed to my demands." Jene explained, but it sounded like a whole lot of nothing to me

"That didn't exactly answer my question." I pointed out as Jene's fingers played with the ends of my hair.

"The Gods gave me a choice, I could stay and be a genie or not." Jene replied with a casual shrug.

"If you're not a genie, then what are you?" I puzzled over his wording as I tilted my head on the side and considered him.

"I chose not." He said with a cheeky little grin that frustrated me.

"What does that mean?" I asked as I poked him in the side.

"What do you think it means?" he tickled a finger down my side so it was much harder to focus.

"Stop talking riddles." I demanded.

"I chose to return to being a human. We can have a whole life span together here on earth." He waved an arm around my bedroom.

My heart started to gallop with riotous joy. Jene chose to be here with me. He chose me. Tears flooded my eyes until it became hard to see. Jene and I would have a life together. Our future wasn't my lonely world without him. We would have each other.

"Truly?" I had to ask.

"Yes, the Gods promised our life together, and the Gods never go back on their word." Jene beamed at me, a jubilant grin that made my soul flutter in delight.

It took a moment for the realisation of his words to hit me, but when they did, I joined in with his beaming grin. Lying content in his arms and being able to picture a future together left me musing about how our life would proceed.

A frown momentarily appeared on my face as something occurred to me, "you still have your lamp. It's downstairs on the hall table, I saw you put it there." I said what I knew to be the truth.

"Correct." Another of those cheeky grins appeared on Jene's face.

"Are you going to explain, or do I have to find your ticklish spots and laugh it out of you?"

"I shall tell you anything you desire," he made a small bow of his head to me. "My lamp refused to leave me. We have been together for many long centuries, and I believe it has formed quite an attachment to me. Admittedly, I was not happy to return my lamp, and it had nothing to do with losing the magic. I figure I have formed an attachment to it as well. Even the Gods never managed to convince my lamp to leave me."

It took a moment for me to absorb that information. I stared at him in both wonder and a ton of confusion. If he kept his lamp, did that mean he kept his magic?

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