Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

One blissful week later found me curled up on the couch with Jene. We lay face to face and I'd tucked my head against his chest. Absorbing his warmth, and the always delectable spicy aroma that surrounded him. He had me entranced and cocooned in a place that I never wanted to leave.

We had started discussing how best to retrieve his lamp a few days ago. Jene always argued against any idea I came up with, so our progress remained slow. We still hadn't decided on a plan.

Jene and I also spent a lot of our time exploring each other, not just physically either. We talked, we ate together, and we lounged around. Jene really was trying to immerse himself within the human world and everything it entailed.

Happiness had bloomed within me, and I never wanted to lose the joy I experienced with Jene. Between that, and the overwhelming pleasure I had every time he touched me, I was in a blissful state.

"I might just have to go to his place and take it from his hands." My voice came across all lazy, but I meant my words.

Jene stiffened beside me, "no, he could do you much harm."

"I can't see any other way to go about getting your lamp back. You said that you can't take it off him. You also can't stop time for me to take it off him. You were the one who told me that Harrison had to know when I've taken it from him." I listed all the stuff we'd discussed over the last few days, and the many rulings of the lamp.

Jene sighed and said nothing for a long moment. I frowned at him, which made him rub his finger over my brow. Troubled sapphire eyes watched me, and it bothered me to see him so distressed.

"You are correct in what you say," he admitted with a great deal of reluctance. "He must know of its removal from his possession."

"Has this sort of thing happened before? A human keeping a genie's lamp, I mean."

"Everything about this situation from you being my Genie-Us to your stepbrothers ultimate greed has never occurred to me, or any other genie. Every human has returned my lamp, until him. In a way, I am not sure if it was simply a case of the She-Gen meddling, or if he truly has that much greed." Jene mused on his words, his eyes going distant in thought.

"I'm sure mum had a huge amount of sway involved. She's been pretty manipulative through all of this stuff. Who made up the ruling that someone had to get your lamp back for you? I'm sure it was mum. I come along and can see you where no one else can, also mum. Even my kidnapping in the Realm was probably staged by my mother. She knew about it because she discussed it with me." I stated all of the things I knew, and I'm sure there were a lot of things I had no clue about.

"She-Gen has remained quite adamant." Jene agreed as he considered my words.

We went quiet. I could hear his gentle breathing from where my head lay on his chest. There was a question that had festered in the back of my mind ever since we started discussing getting his lamp. It plagued me now, but I feared asking those words.

"It seems kind of wrong that I have to steal the lamp." I chickened out on asking my question.

"I do not think it will come down to theft." Jene still sounded thoughtful.

"Sorry? You said I had to take the lamp, how am I going to do that without theft?" I wriggled until I was eye to eye with him.

"It is hard to think with you moving in such a manner." His voice lowered to the velvety darkness that I loved to hear.

"You can't tell me you're sex starved, because I'm not going to believe you." I tried for a chiding voice but it took effort to cover my growing excitement.

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