Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Three years later

"Are you ready, my love?" Jene asked when he appeared at my side.

"Facing all those genies leaves me a bit more nervous than I like." I admitted as I adjusted the ridiculous veil, on my even more ridiculous outfit, over my face.

"Do not worry so." He rubbed a finger along my shoulder, but it didn't reassure me.

The truth was that I couldn't stop myself from worrying. Even as I donned the traditional outfit of a female genie, my nerves ratcheted higher. The small part that covered my face was the final part of the ensemble. The bright yellow of the fitted pants and vest made me stand out.

It also showed a bit more skin than I liked. Apparently, in the genie world, it was fine to flash most of your stomach and chest with only a thin covering over my breasts and the thicker vest over the top barely covering that. It left me bared and exposed to people I didn't know. In turn, that made me awkward.

If I was on a beach sunning myself then, yes, it wouldn't be a problem. A bikini would be an appropriate outfit. This was the furthest from a casual moment in my life. This was a serious moment where I had nothing but discomfort.

"You look ravishing." Jene declared.

"I feel naked." I said as I crossed my arms beneath my breasts that weren't even held up by a bra! Then I swished my sweaty hands down the front of my flimsy pants.

"If only you were." His devilish look made me forget my woes, if only for a brief moment.

It had been nearly three years since I first met Jene in dad's office trying to portray himself as Harrison. At first, I put off this ritual because I was far too busy planning my human wedding. Once we finished our wedding and delightful honeymoon, Jene had started to insist on the whole Genie-Us ritual.

I made up a bunch of reasons to avoid the ritual, many of which were the help we could and did give society with the help of his lamp and our magic. We had spent a great deal of time travelling around the world and trying to set things to right.

We didn't have a great deal of success. Human society had trouble budging from what it knew and accepted. People were grateful for our aid, but eventually returned to the same situations. It had a nasty level of frustration and despair.

Once Jene noticed my disgruntled take on the world, he insisted we return home. We also had another more important reason. It was the reason I had become so disillusioned with helping others.

That's when Jene became keen on the Genie-Us ritual. I once again used any excuse to avoid it, mostly because I didn't want to face all of those genies. There would be too many judgements on me and how Jene received another Genie-Us when they only ever had one.

There was a little something I hadn't told Jene as to why I now wanted to do this ritual. It had nothing to do with our adopted son Mitch, who had stayed on earth with his grandparents today. Although, it did have to do with children.

Mitch was the reason I became so disgruntled with how humans act. We found him all alone in a village where we had helped supply fresh water and sustain the food supply. He was a small, meek boy with the cutest dimpled smile, when you could make him smile. He continued being quite a solemn boy, but he had slowly opened up to us.

Jene had made me leave the village soon after we found him, so I didn't go and hunt down his horrible parents. They had abandoned him because he had a small facial disfigurement. Only the perfect children were kept while the others they tossed out to fend for themselves. It had left me beyond furious and so depressed.

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