Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

A young man with the bluest of eyes stood over a blazing forge. He pulled the red hot metal from deep within the fire, turned and placed it down, where he began pounding it with a hammer. The man only stopped once to wipe the growing sweat building on his brow.

Only in the dimness of the building could I have seen that small glowing light. It began to grow, but the man didn't notice. He continued hammering upon the metal, all his focus on forming his metal work.

The glowing light took the form of a woman who had many similarities to the She-Gen, who was my mother. Her red hair blazed as brightly as the fire in the forge. The young man still took no notice. Only when he turned to quench the metal did he respond to her.

"What devilry do I see in front of my eyes?" he exclaimed.

"I am searching for the one called Jene. Are you the bearer of this name?" her melodious voice only made Jene stare at her suspiciously.

"I am known as Jene. Also I am the only one in our village who goes by the name of Jene." He replied cautiously.

"Jene the chosen. One of the very few chosen." The woman chanted the words.

"Might I enquire as to how you know me, stranger?" Jene lifted the metal from the tub of oil, and used his tongs to brandish it as a weapon.

"I am the She-Gen, born to give life to the genies. You are chosen for your sense of right, your upstanding morality, and the deep justice that holds you above many. You have much esteem above your peers. For that you are granted immortality, use of magic within the human world, and a powerful lamp on which to grant wishes to the humans." She-Gen smiled up at him as she finished her explanation.

Jene considered her words at length, but remained in position to fight. As uncertain as he seemed, there was also something in his eyes that brightened to life at her invitation. Her words had piqued his interest.

"How many are the few you speak of who you have selected to join me in this task?" Jene asked.

For the first time, She-Gen hesitated. Her confidence faded the tiniest amount as she faced him. Jene crossed his large arms over his powerful chest, showing an intimidating figure. He managed to keep his metal piece still pointed at She-Gen. She paused before raising herself up to look just as imposing.

"I fear your refusal if I admit the truth, but I will not lie to you. We must spend centuries together and be able to trust each other. You are the only one I have found worthy enough." She-Gen finally admitted, and Jene stared at her wide eyed.

"Who..." Jene cleared his throat, prepared his thoughts and went to speak again. "Who has sent you to find people such as me?"

"All of the Gods above. We will host a whole new world separate from this one. The Gods hope to bring the humans happiness and their fondest wishes. They can only achieve this with a genie and their lamp." She-Gen explained and Jene couldn't hide his shock.

"I am to be one of these so called genies?" Jene asked as he he placed the metal piece he carried aside.

"As you are the first ever genie, you will belong to the Alumni clan of genies. The first and the best." She-Gen said proudly.

"Where will you find others?"

"Some will come to me, and many will flock to our new world. The Gods will tell me who to choose from amongst these many." She-Gen assured him.

"I have a life here. I am about to marry." Jene said rather woodenly.

"The woman you would marry in this world would not be the one destined for you. All genies will have a Genie-Us, the one partner made for them who will share their immortality. Your perfect partner goes by the name of Isla." She-Gen's smile gleamed at Jene.

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