Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

It's lunch time and I'm sat with all my friends next to my brother's lunch table.
So I'm gunna tell you a few of my friends there's

Ashley I've known her since I started Pine view 3 years ago, she's the party animal always wanting to go to parties

Sarah I've known Sarah only a year she exchanged here from California, she's the quiet one that just goes along with everything but knows how to have fun once she's had a few drinks

Olivia I've known liv since I was 13 and she goes out with amber, well I don't know what liv is she's everything she never says no to doing things so I suppose she's the daring one

Amber I've known her since we were 6 and she goes out with liv, amber is just amber argumentative and well she's the fighter of the group bad girl attitude

And then there's Jazz well actually her actually name is Tiana but she loves music and jazz is her nickname that just stuck I've known her just as long as I've known amber because there cousins

I love all my girls we have never fallen out we've had our arguments but hey who doesn't.

All morning I've had this feeling someone's been following me but every time I look around me there's no one there.


Oh well as long as my brother is always near by I'll be okay.

We've organized a sleep over for Friday night because every Friday my brother throws a party I don't mind because I don't have to clean up in the morning.

"Ty after I drop you off at home I've got to go work but I don't want you to answer the door to anyone, so guys if your going over let her know before hand because I don't want her opening to strangers" my brother interrupted standing behind me

"sure thing but why?" I ask 

"just some rival from a different school trying to put me off before the big game, so do you all agree?"

all my friends nodded and so did I, opening the door has never been a problem before.

Trent kissed my cheek, said bye and left.

He's had rivals before and he has never said that

This day is getting weirder I thought


I've been home for nearly two hours, I've already done my homework , started dinner now sitting down on the couch watching some program on TV.

I was slowly falling asleep when the door bell went, I jumped off the couch and ran to the door.

OMG who is he!?
He is the most beautiful man I've ever seen and he's on my door step
OMG please be looking for me please please please

"Oh hi urm I'm looking for Trent" he said

Damn it

"he's not here he's at work can I help you with something?"

"actually you can, can I come in?"

"yeah sure but first what's your name?"

"oh sorry my names Lee" he extended his hand laughing

"it's fine I'm Tyler its nice to meet you Lee come in" I shook his hand opening the door for him to come in

"so what is it that I can do for you?" I questioned walking over to the couch

"are you Trent's girlfriend" lee said while sitting next to me

"ooh no I'm his twin sister" I replied laughing

"Oh you don't look alike, are you and Trent close?"

"well I hope not considering I'm female and he is male" I joked "yeah we are pretty close but I think that's because we are twins and the only family each other has got"

"oh I'm sorry I didn't know"

"don't be silly its fine so what can I do"

"well can you give this to Trent please" he handed me a letter "only he can read it okay?"

I nodded

Lee got up walking to the front door, I followed him 

i opened the door to let him out as we said our goodbyes he turned around and looked at me

"I hope you dont think of me as being too forward but would you go on a date with me this saturday" He said in his silky velvet voice 

"sure pick me up at 7" I replied not being able to turn down an offer of him for a few hours

"Great, see you saturday at 7 then"

"okay well it was a pleasure meeting you Lee bye"

"no the pleasure is all mine bye Tyler" he gave me a dashing smile I think Im going to melt

I watched him walk off and get in his car, I shut the front door and tried to get rid of the butterflies in my stomach oh my god I'm going on a date with him, what am i going to wear!

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