Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

The next morning I woke up feeling like there was a part of me missing and a pain in my chest

All I keep thinking to myself is why can't I rewind time and tell adam I want to be with him

Is it weird that I love my brothers bestfriend?

But I also think again how weird would it be to be with adam I mean come on its adam ha

"Ty are you awake? can I come in?" i heard my brother calling through my door

"Yeah i'm up and yeah sure come in"

He came in and sat on my bed

"What's up trent?"

He looked worried

"Oh yeah urm i'm going away for a few days" he said sadly while rubbing the back of his neck

"Oh how come?"

"No reason me and adam just getting away for a few days"

What there leaving I wont seem them I know it's only a couple of days but i've never been without trent

"Oh okay but trent i've never be alone without you"

"I know but i've got to do this i'll be back by friday I swear"

"Thats nearly a week trent! when are you going?"

"In about 2 hours"

"WHAT! whatever you better bring me back a present"

"Of course I will, well adams downstairs so i'm going to pack"


He got up kissed my forehead and left my room

I flopped back

Not only did I tell the man I love I don't want him  but now him and my brother are leaving me for 5 days

Wow my life is getting better by the minute next i'll be kinapped and killed


Come on tyler just walk downstairs pretend nothing happened, everything is normal

Deep breaths you can do this

"Hey adam" I said dropping on the sofa next to him

"Hey ty you alright?" he just stared at the t.v

This is so akward man

"Yeah i'm good thanks you?"

"Yeah i'm good"

"Adam look at me please"

"Why so you can rip my heart out again?"

"Woah excuse me I didn't do anything your the one that went from being a man-whore to being in love with me"

"Yeah I did and I should have stuck to it your not even worth it!"

Wow I knew he never changed your so stupid tyler

"Yeah I guess your right anyway thanks for making me think you could be different I guess I was gunna be the next 'accomplishment' of yours right? I mean you adam you don't feel your a heartless jerk who doesn't deserve anything except to be alone for the rest of your life and I hope it makes you happy this life you've got" I screamed at him flailing my arms about

"Actually ty your right you was my next accomplishment but your too innocent for me so well done for being so smart I had another girl in my bed last night after I told you I love you oh and by the way that was a lie I dont love you and I never will, I just wanted to get into your pants again"

Why Me? (Complete And Editing)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora