Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

who put salt in the sugar bowl? who put fireworks in the coal?

who put a real live toad-in-the-'ole? my brother!

who put jam in mother's shoe? who made real caterpillar stew?

who locked grandad in the loo? brother!

my brother said it wasnt he, who put shampoo in grandma's tea

my brother said that it was me - my brother's rotten.

In my sleep I swear I could hear trents ringtone coming from my phone but he's upstairs

thats when reality hit I sat up quick and answered my phone

"trent omg I miss you can't you come home?" I said quickly

"hey ty I miss you too but I can't come home yet! are you alright?"

"yeah i'm fine I got a weird note though"

"what note? what did it say? where are you?" he said panicked

"calm down now Trenton James! the note was on the windshield and i'm at home"

"what! it was on my car? what did it say?"

damn I thought I could dodge that question

"urm well it said 'i'm coming for you tyler'"

"omg" he whispered

"what? whats the matter? whats going on trent? i'm scared i've locked all the doors and windows and drawn the curtains"

"has anything else happened?"

"well there was one other thing but it's not important"

"Tyler James tell me now" I knew that was coming after I said his full name

"ok jheez well I forgot my gym kit so I had to sit out and I felt someone staring at me so I looked around and seen this man in the parking lot at school staring straight back at me"

"what did he look like ty I need to know everything!!"

"urm he had short black hair, he was wearing a black suit like he was going to a funeral and a black tie thats all I remember he just stared at me"

it went quiet for ages


"ty you need to stay at home and not go out! can you do that for me please i'm coming back but its gunna take til wednesday to get back" he said weirdly serious

"why that long"

"well me and adam have only just got to where we were heading and it took us over 24hours to get her"

what where were they??

"urm okay well I wont go out just get home quick i'm really scared and I need you" i spluttered as i started to cry I need my brother here with me I need him to protect me

"i'm coming ty just dont leave the house"

"I promise I wont leave. trent I love you, your the best brother in the world"

"good and ty I love you and your the best sister in the world but don't make it sound like we aint never gunna see each other again because I dont like it, i'm in the car now okay i'll see you wednesday dont go out! bye ty"

"bye trent"

he hung up and in that moment I realised I must be in danger not someone messing with me but in serious trouble but I dont understand why though I have no enemies well except one but she isn't that low and my brothers worried so it must be serious!

fuck my actual life!

what did I do so wrong in life to be scared like this

I need adam



I had such a restless night after i got off the pgone to my brother everything from adam to the note to sarah running through my head and I couldn't shake the feeling someone was watching me but I knew I was imagining it because I was home alone and everything was locked

all i've done all day is lay on the couch staring at the blank screen of the t.v

my phone has gone off countless times but I don't want to text back or answer the phone calls unless it's trent

why would someone threaten me? i'm the good twin! I go to school, I do my homework, I party but stay partically sober, I don't fight, I dont do anything!

Why Me?

when I finally stopped thinking I looked up to see it was 3 in the moring

I need to go bed because as soon as i'm asleep the sooner i'm awake and trent will be back

I cant wait to see him

I walked up the stairs after checking all the windows and doors and yup all still locked

I laid in bed and fell straight to sleep

I woke up 2 hours later with the same feeling as the night before that someone was watching me

I turned my bed side lamp on and looked around my room and of course no one was there

I started drifting off again when I thought I felt somes hand on my shoulder, but before I could check I was in a deep dream less sleep


Chapter 8 all done :)

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