Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN!" Trent yelled in my face

"I was out" I stuttered

"WITH WHO TYLER!" Trenton roared

"A friend"


"Lee" I whispered

"Excuse me"

"Lee" I whispered again


"I'm fine though, he is really nice"

"NO Tyler he isn't fucking nice, how could you go against me"

I'm sick of this


"Because I told you he isn't a nice person, have a life go with anyone you want just not him Tyler I'm begging you stay away from him"

The tears started falling

"but why though I don't understand Trent just tell me please"

he pulled me into a hug a tight hug one at that

"I can't tell you Ty I wish I could but I can't! I just want you to promise you will stay away from him please"

I looked my brother dead in the eyes and seen sadness

"okay I promise I'll stay away from him"

"thank you Ty please don't go back on your word"

"I wont I'm going to bed"

"okay night Ty"

he kissed my forehead and let me go

I climbed the stairs to my room and slammed my door shut and curled up in a ball on my bed sobbing

Why can't I see him? What's so wrong with him? If he is bad why is he nice to me? I'm so confused but I'm going to stay away I promised my brother I don't brake promises

I need to text Lee

Me- hi its Tyler

lee- hello Tyler, so where would you like to go on our next date?

Me- urm actually I'm texting to say I can't see you again :(

lee- and why is that?

Me- my brother told me to stay away from you and made me promise

Lee- well Tyler it looks like your brother rules your life, well I guess this is goodbye then

Me- yeah I guess so bye lee and thank you for an amazing time tonight

Lee- no problem goodbye Tyler

After that I broke down even harder I couldn't stop myself from crying I was crying so hard I didn't hear my bedroom door open
I only realized when my bed dipped and someone pulled me into there arms
I knew by the smell of diesel aftershave it was Adam
I couldn't help it I cried into his shoulder
He just held me and stroked my hair not saying a work
I felt so safe I didn't want to be anywhere else
In the time of crying my eyes out I fell asleep


I woke up in the warm embrace I remember from days ago and this time I didn't want to move I felt safe inside Adams arms

I laid there drawing pictures with my finger on Adams toned stomach with not a care in the world

"morning beautiful" Adam said sleepily

I quickly sat up


"are you okay Ty?"

"yeah I'm fine why are you here?"

"because I knew you needed someone and I'm your knight in shining armour" he smiled

I laughed "yeah your something like that. Well I'm getting in the shower so see you downstairs?"

"yeah sure" he got up and kissed me on the cheek and walked out my room

What the hell was that! Where's annoying Adam gone!? What's going on!?

I shook my head to clear it of thoughts of Adam and walked to my bathroom and got in the shower

When I finished I walked downstairs in one of Trent's old over sized t-shirts and a pair of sweats, my hair was in a messy bun

I just flung myself down on the sofa and watched TV

"want something to eat Ty?" Trent called from the kitchen

"no thanks I'm not hungry"


he sounded so defeated but I wasn't hungry I'm not going to force myself to eat

I didn't move for the whole day only when Trent's friends Blake, Aaron, Scott and Kiefer came round but even then I didn't move

Are you alright Ty Ty?" Blake said sitting next to me he calls me Ty Ty only one to get away with it

"yeah I'm fine just tired Blake don't worry about me" I looked at him and smiled he smile back and walked away

I suppose I have a brotherly bond with Blake he is the only one of my brothers friends that hasn't tried it on with me well except once when he was drunk but he backed off

I don't really speak to Aaron, Kiefer and Scott apart from the odd hello then that's it.
Later that night Amy came over we sat in my room and she asked what happened last night

"well you know I went out with lee, well it was amazing he was so nice and he was such a gentleman. When he brought me home he kissed me and then I came in Trent and Adam were sitting there. Trent rushed to me and started screaming at me and told me to never see lee again because he is a bad person, so I text lee and said bye"
I couldn't hold back the sob that escaped

Amy just held me

"don't worry about it Ty there's plenty more sex gods out there"

Amy always knows how to lighten up my mood we laughed for the rest of the night and watched movies and went to bed for school tomorrow

Why Me? (Complete And Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang