Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

It's been 3 hours since Lee came round and I can't get him out of my head he must be at least 6"0,

muscle everywhere his arms were huge you could see the bulge of his muscles through his suit jacket.

He's got chocolate brown hair and beautiful brown eyes.

I just want to run my hands through his hair and get lost in his eyes.

"Tyler wake up the potato's are boiling over" Trenton snapped his finger in front of my face

making me snap out of my trance and running to turn the potato's off

"shit, sorry sit down dinner will be ready in a minute"

"what were you thinking about?"

"oh nothing important"

He nodded going to sit at the bar

I dished up dinner setting it infront of Trent, remembering the letter

I walked over to the table grabbing the letter

"oh Trent some guy named Lee came by he asked me to give you this" handing him the letter

"I told you not to answer the door! What did he want Ty! OMG your so stupid!"

whoa I was not expecting that reaction

"sorry I forgot and he just asked me to give you the letter"

I sat down eating my dinner ignoring Trenton's outburst

"He asked me out" I casually drop into the awkward atmosphere 

"your not going! I don't want you anywhere near Lee! I mean it Tyler stay the fuck away from him, he is a bad person and I don't want you near him!"

"urm ok want to elaberate on that and tell me why and how he is a bad person, he seemed fine to me" I said feeling the anger bubble inside me

"Tyler you don't need to know just trust me when i say he is a bad person"

"well if you won't tell me then I'll make my own mind up about him"

Im 18 not 8 I thought to myself 

"Don't test me tyler, stay away from him" He said going bright red in the face

He was getting angry

"okay jeez calm down, your over reacting seriously"

"Ty I'm sorry please just stay away from him please for me"

he came up to me and held me at arms length and I could tell by his eyes he was serious
God why can't I have a brother who isn't over protective

"okay Trent I'll stay away but you need to back off a little I'm 18 I'm gunna be asked out"

"I know just not him okay now lets eat" He said going back to his seat

hmmm I wonder what that was about, I don't care what he says I'm going out with Lee.


me and Trent were watching TV we haven't spoken about lee again but he gave me a lecture on when he says something that's what goes, I mean come on just because he was born 2 minutes before me doesn't make him superior.

"I'm going bed Trent I'll see you in the morning night love you" I got up off the couch kissed his cheek and started climbing the stairs

"yeah night Ty love you"

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