Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Tyler's P.O.V


"Let's go sit down and ill explain why"

I followed him to the chairs either side of the fire and he moved then so they were opposite each other.

We both sat down 

I just stared at lee waiting for his explanation

"Don't interrupt me while I speak ok, I just need to get it all out ok?"

I just nodded

"So from the beginning that day I came to your house to drop the letter off for Trenton, I was expecting trenton to answer the door but when you did my heart stopped, the air left my lungs I was hypnotised by your beautiful deep blue eyes. I knew from that moment you would mean something to me, so I asked you of on a date and that went well and when we kissed wow it sent an electric current running through my body. I didn't want to let you go but when you text me saying you couldn't see me anymore because of Trenton I was angry so I went after the second female he loved in life and that was Sarah they like each other I remember Trenton telling me about a Sarah once and I knew it was her! Next I took you because of the money thing I felt Myself die a little every time I hit and hurt you that's when I realised I loved you and I couldn't do it anymore so I stopped and let you do your own thing until your brother interfered and took you away from me again! I had to get you back Tyler I love you and I know you must hate but I'm begging you for one chance if not you can walk out that door and you'll never see me again"

By the end of lee's speech I was sobbing my heart out I could see in his eyes how sorry he was, but he is right I do hate him and he is giving me the chance to leave and be back to reality and my life!

I knew Sarah and Trenton had a little something but I wasn't bothered!

Anyway back to this matter, I think long and hard about my decision while staring at lee.

I made my decision

"One chance don't hurt me" I told lee

He stared at me in disbelief till it registers in his head, then he grabs me and hugs me tightly, weirdly I feel safe even though this is the man that killed my best friend, beat me to near death and took me away from my love and brother, I still felt safe.

It took me a minute but I willingly hugged him back.

"Thank you! I promise I'm going to make it all up to you I love to Tyler" he whispered

Was I actually going mad for giving this monster a chance or was I really looking at him like the first time I seen his beautiful face?

I don't know but I'm willing to give him a chance.

Flashback over

It's been 2 months since lee took me and honestly I'm glad he did. He has kept to his promise and made it up to me every single day without fail.

Don't get me wrong I miss my brother but I think I'm falling in love with lee and I'm loving life with him.

I'm not over Adam but I don't see me and him ever working, I love him but he has hurt me bad I know lee has but I didn't love him when he did what he did and I had forgiven lee for that.

It took me a while to forgive and trust lee but I do now and I don't regret my decision.

Lee let's me do what I want when I want without a question he even told me' the day you want to leave I won't stop you' I don't want to leave but I do want to see my brother I miss him so much.

I know he has been looking for me, he even went to Jordan lee's boss but of course lee refused to letting me get taken away it was my choice to make.

I know my brother will show up but I won't go willingly with him this time round.

"Hey baby want to join me for lunch?" Lee asked me walking up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist

I looked at the lake one last one before turning in lee's arms and wrapping my arms around his neck

"Sounds good to me handsome" I replied kissing him on the lips

He smiled and said " it will be ready in 20"

He kissed me softly and licked my bottom lip asking for entrance I let him in and we both wrestled for dominance but he won.

He pulled back and kissed me on the nose.

He started walking back to the house, I watched him and slowly started following him



I ran into the kitchen to see Trenton and Adam pointing guns at lee

I jumped I front of lee

"NO STOP!" I screamed at them


Bet you didn't expect that one haha :) only 2 chapters left and its all over :(  

Enjoy <3

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