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To say if the thief's luck was good or the other party's luck was rotten, no one discovered the theft until today morning, when the watch guards of the treasury went to report about the encounter with an expert last night, who knocked them out. Only when the lock was opened and they stepped inside, did they realise what happened last night.

Seeing the four highly valued levels of the manor's underground treasury wiped clean, Wan Jahao clutched his chest in fear, pain and anger. It was fine if just the gold and silver were gone, they could gain it back. But that despicable thief stole all the valuable pills and medicinal plants the Wan family collected over the years. How will he answer his father when he comes out of seclusion?.

Wan Jahao mobilised all the secret guards and servants to search for the stolen items and the thief. This created a huge Commotion inside the manor. He ordered a lockdown of all information so that news won't be spread outside.

Every nook and cranny of the manor was being searched thoroughly and the hope of finding the lost goods was diminishing, while the culprit of this huge fiasco was happily counting her spoils and planning on how to spend her new money.

The whole Wan Manor was thrown into a mess. Wan jahao was frustrated on hearing reports of failure one after another. The Matriarch remained in her courtyard, with hands supporting her listless head, thinking about the loss. Her husband gave her the responsibility of overseeing things at the manor in his absence. Now such a big thing happened, what should she do? How will she face him? Her thoughts were currently stuck on four questions.

1) who is the person who knocked out the 13 watch guards of the treasury, who were just one step away from the profound Sky realm?

2) what is his motive?

3)how could he rob and take away all those things without alerting anyone?

4) was it just a random thief or did someone target them?

Wan jahao issued secret orders to track down the pills and medicinal plants, to see if they were sold in markets or any auction houses. He cannot approach the bank, for the money he lost were all unaccounted and earned by evading taxes and playing dirty tricks in business. He couldn't risk exposing it.

Knowing the valuable cloth fabrics and jewellery were safe, Yan wangyin sighed in relief. But she was still unhappy, their monthly allowance will be affected now as the gold and silver were lost.

Zhong Guqing remained indifferent to the entire fiasco, while inwardly congratulating the Wan family on successfully getting robbed. She wasn't the least bit affected as she had her daughter to lean on.

Zhong Guqing's daughter Wan Fang was accepted as an apprentice by an eccentric master two years ago. She once accidentally saved his life and as repayment, he took her in as his disciple.

It was almost evening when the commotion died out. While Wan jahao was grieving over his loss, Wan Huang was in her room surprised by the discovery inside the Red Jade Palace.

Initially, there were only two rooms which she could access. Today another room opened, the reason unknown. Xiufeng assumed it might be because of something that was included in her harvest.

The new room was like a library. Numerous Scrolls and books occupied the shelves inside the room. Shielded by an invisible barrier, making it impossible for her to approach. Xiufeng also tried breaking the ward but failed, eventually concluding only she could remove the barrier after she restores the cultivation.

As night fell, Wan Huang sneaked out in her black robes, this time through the path she made, into the alleyway. Crossing it, she reached the busy night street after asking for directions.

The busy night street as its name suggested, was a busy street, with bright lanterns and people clamouring over the prices. Following the guidance of some random people, she found a pawn shop, exchanged a silver teal for some copper coins for temporary use.

With the coins, she bought buns for herself and yaoyao and some groceries that could last them for a while, since she didn't have any hope in getting edible food from the manor.

After strolling around and learning a bit about Chengdu and the rumours and talks of the street, she walked back to her courtyard. When she reached the alleyway, she saw a slender figure, leaning against the wall as if waiting for her.

Xiufeng confirmed with her that this man has the same aura of the powerful expert they met last night. Cautiously, when she passed by him, he spoke to her in a low voice.

" Follow me".

Wan Huang stopped in her track. For a moment she thought she was dreaming. Such a soothing, sexy voice. Her ears twitched to hear more.

" Follow me". He repeated. Wan Huang snapped back into reality. "Why should I?".

" If you want to remove the seal on your body, then follow me". She instantly became guarded. Only xiufeng and her knew about the seal on her. How did this man find out?.

" I know about the seal that makes you unable to cultivate. I don't have any evil intentions. So follow me".

Wan Huang's eyes narrowed into slits. " Prove it. Prove to me you don't have any evil thoughts. Prove to me that you can remove the seal on my body".

He looked at her as if to ask how to prove it.

" I have a friend who can't cultivate. Heal her. Then I'll believe you". She challenged him and walked forwards.

The man silently walked after her. Reaching her courtyard, she called yaoyao to test him. The man didn't move from his place, nor did he check on her. He just glanced at her once before telling them, she was poisoned and they needed an antidote to cure her. Once she is cured, she'll be able to cultivate.

Sending yaoyao back, Wan Huang entered her room and from the Red Jade palace, she pulled out all the medicinal plants she had stolen and handed it over to the man. He picked up the necessary herbs and left the courtyard.

Even though he was a stranger to her, she felt an inexplicable familiarity with him. She trusted her intuition even when she was being cautious against him and promised to follow him if he could cure yaoyao. That's why she brought him to her courtyard. Anyway, she had nothing to lose. The only treasure with her was the Red Jade Palace but that was Integrated into her soul. According to xiufeng, the red jade palace will cease to exist if she died.

Wan Huang handed all the groceries she purchased and the buns she bought to yaoyao. She instructed her to accept whatever the manor sends to keep up the act. Yaoyao fully trusted her young miss and didn't bother to ask about anything.

The next day, at night, the mysterious man from yesterday appeared before her, surprising her. He handed over the completed antidote of the poison, claiming it would expel the poison and cleanse the meridians.

After about three hours of waiting, yaoyao rushed out of her room joyfully, words blocked by her sobs. Wan Huang realised the poison was cured completely and yaoyao was now able to cultivate. She smiled at her encouragingly.

" I will honour my promise". Wan Huang looked at the man and affirmed her decision.

Wan Huang informed yaoyao about her decision to follow the man to cultivate. She told her to cover for her while she was gone and yaoyao should cultivate and become stronger when she returns next year. Yaoyao was happy that her young miss will be able to cultivate like everyone else and promised to become stronger.

Wan Huang then left with the mysterious man, unaware of the great surprises that were going to happen in her life from now on.

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