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Dense clouds covered the sun, making it impossible to tell between day or night while she wandered through the barren land.

With Xiufeng acting as a compass, she walked on a straight path occasionally turning around some corners to avoid the lava pools.

Suddenly she felt the temperature rising around her. With her fire element, she protected herself from the scorching heat but now the rising heat became unbearable for her.

The protective barrier around her body disappeared. Hot winds blew against her face, drying up her skin. From the ground, heat penetrated through her shoes, burning her feet. Dizzy and discombobulated she felt like falling through a fire chamber.

While falling, she saw horrible scenes of people being burned alive, their faces twisted in fear and agony. Skeletons formed a heap in the corner which were reduced to ashes in an instant.

The wails and painful screams for help freaked her out. She flailed her arms and legs in the air as she sought to regain her balance and hold onto anything that could save her from the fall.

She madly struggled in the air and wanted to scream for help but not a single word came out of her mouth. She clawed her throat, crazily shouting for Xiufeng to save her.

All around her, the souls of the people whom she had assassinated in her previous life, screamed for her persecution. They taunted her at her retribution, dashing towards her to rip her into pieces.

Below, she was falling into a pit of fire. Scared, she closed her eyes, desperately hoping for someone to save her.

"Little brat, wake up."

Wan Huang heard an anxiously familiar voice above her head.

"Girl, wake up, open your eyes." It continued. Hearing the anxiety in the voice, Wan Huang tried hard to open her eyes.

No. She can't die yet. She hasn't become powerful. She hasn't uncovered her real identity.

She opened her eyes. The images she saw just now sent shivers through her body soaking her clothes in sweat.

A minute later she recovered her senses. She looked around and was relieved to find she was back and alive.

Two beady eyes zoomed in front of her face. Little Xiufeng's eyes started tearing up with worry. He touched her forehead and patted her face to make sure she was still sane.

"It was the illusory trap. Hmph! If not for me, you would have burned to ashes here." He harrumphed arrogantly.

Dang! When did he become a cry baby? His great image! All have gone. Will that girl bully him again?

Little Xiufeng's train of thoughts had no stop. He worried about his 'great' image, his pride, and a little scared about being bullied by Wan Huang if she found out his weakness.

But he would never admit, he almost went crazy now. He saw how she fell into the trap. He didn't know what she went through, but seeing her frown, scrunched up face and the tears flowing from her eyes, he knew she was under great pain.

Watching her cry, his eyes teared up and like a dam being opened, his tears rushed out. He couldn't control the sobs rising from his chest which morphed into wails in his mouth.

He held her in his small lap, embracing her tightly, trying madly to wake her up. If she didn't wake up, he didn't know what he might do in grief.

He was a divine beast but was reduced to become a contract beast. He felt it was beneath his status to serve a young naive girl, so he donned on an arrogant domineering personality to make up for his lost dignity.

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