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The old scroll recorded the methods of externally raising the aptitude core level.

One could raise their aptitude core levels for a maximum of three times. The methods were risky and anything could happen at the time of progress, good or bad.

The components needed for it was also rare. No one knew, whether such items existed.

For the first upgrade, they needed three items.

The bowing fairy, water of thousand spring and essence flame.

Bowing fairy was described as an exotic plant that grows in extremely cold temperatures. It grew and flowered once in every hundred years.

It was very difficult to find, as it had camouflage properties. The only clue for finding it was, to hunt down the grizzly ice bear. Bowing fairy flower grew near the dens of grizzly ice bear.

The second ingredient was the water of thousand springs. The description ended, without further information.

The essence flame was the third ingredient. Nothing was described about its appearance, physical properties or location.

The whole information ended with the method to refine the elixir, written on it.

There was also the description for the second and third upgrade recorded on it, but as it was not needed now, Wan Huang didn't bother to go through it.

As there was only limited information on the scroll, she decided to search through the library for more information on the three ingredients.

Lives resumed as usual for everyone in the sect. With the satisfaction of successfully completing their first assigned mission and getting their first honor points, everyone were motivated and happy for a while.

The second phase of their learning, the intensive training lessons began.

In the first six months, they were taught the basics and beginner lessons of every faction.

In intensive training, they would be taught the authentic lessons and techniques of the sect.

In apothecary faction, they were taught about the various diseases and conditions that a cultivator would come across and how to cure them. They were also taught to differentiate between poisons and medicines and to concoct the antidotes to different poisons.

In sword faction, they were now taught the authentic sword techniques and other weapon techniques of Celestial Jade Sect.

In martial arts faction, apart from teaching the sect's original, hand, fist and palm techniques, they were subjected to various methods to condition their body, to increase their physical stamina.

In the weapon forging or armaments faction, lessons were given on forging and repairing of weapons and lessons on various ores and minerals.

They were also free to choose an extra subject from painting and calligraphy, music, chess, historical study and political administration.

Boys mainly flocked to learn chess, history and political administration leaving a few to join painting&calligraphy and music along with majority of the girls.

Those who wanted to learn the political administration course, had to sign an agreement, that if they ever stepped into the political field of any kingdom in future, they could not use the sect's name for their gains. The results of their decision had to be born by themselves.

The sect never interfered in the political matters of any empire. Their sole motto was to groom potential cultivators, make them self reliant and capable so they could live without dependence and also lend a helping hand to the society in times of need.

The sect would only step in when matters went beyond the control of any empire.

All the new disciples formed small groups, discussing their choice of extra subject.

Wan Huang wasn't interested in joining any of the lesson. But as it was mandatory to choose one, she joined with the flow, and like other girls she chose the music department.

Wan Fang also chose music, while Ren Weilin and Yun Shan chose painting and calligraphy.

Once again, everyone became busy with lessons, shuttling between different classes and carrying on with their cultivation.

In the first year, they were mainly taught the theoretical knowledge, leaving only little time to cultivate.

This lag was brought about to hone their physical strength to match up  their cultivation. From the second year onwards they had more time to cultivate and rise in ranks.

Wan Huang didn't bother with this arrangement as her conditions were far better that those newbies. So she used this time to search for details on the ingredients and training under Xiufeng.

After a month of search through the sect's library, Wan Huang found no useful information. If she wanted to search further, she had to enter the third level of the library.

Entry was restricted to the third level of the library for the normal disciples and only those at the hundred rank list could access it.

Frustrated over her futile searches, Wan Huang became distracted during her cultivation.

"As the time goes by, why is it that you are becoming more and more foolish?". Asked Xiufeng.

"What do you mean?". Wan Huang asked back.

"You searched everywhere, but forgot about your personal library".  He scoffed.

Wan Huang was suddenly enlightened. "Yes. How could I forget that?".

Wan Huang immediately bolted towards the palace's library room and rummaged through the piles of books.

"No need to search so frantically. You won't find anything".

Wan Huang looked at him questioningly.

"I have already searched through each and every book in this room. Got nothing. We have to search that room next".

Xiufeng pointed to an iron door. It was another room in the Red Jade Palace, but it remained locked till now.

Wan Huang once tried to open it and failed. Maybe, she had a chance if she advanced in cultivation.

With this hope she temporarily placed her research aside and focused on cultivation.
The afternoon sun shined blindingly upon the ground, heating it up.

It was the second month of summer now. The  heat made the disciples sweat buckets and suffer heat strokes, so the masters were forced to move the training indoors.

Even though the training hall had a naturally built cooling system, with the seventy two disciples and wardens packed in the hall, one could still not escape perspiring from heat.

Currently, they were taking classes under the martial arts faction.

The thousand palm hit, that they were learning now, was originally an elegant and powerful palm technique. But to bring about the same results that was demonstrated by masters, everyone poured in vigorous movements and tremendous energy hoping to master it quickly so they could advance to the next technique.

The masters saw through the intentions of the students. They shook their head helplessly. It's good to thirst for learning. But hurrying for anything won't bring good outcome.

Learning can't be done in a day or two. Feeling helpless, they dispersed the training.

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