Chapter One

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Living alone in a simple house with a garden with a simple life was all you could ever asked for.

Since your mother, Alice Kingsleigh, left the world, you decided to move away from your grandma Helen's house. Well, long story short -- you had quite the bad relationship with her. Your aunt Margaret was the only one who understood you, but sadly she got married and moved in with her husband.

You were working as a tea shop waitress just a few blocks from your home in Winchester, England. The pay was good, enough for you to provide yourself with certain necessities.


"Y/N, the order's ready!"

William, your co-worker says as he hands you the tray of cinnamon cookies and a fresh cup of raspberry tea. You nod and smile in response as you get the tray and serve it to table number 13.

"Here's your order, madame! Enjoy!" You smile at the old woman as she smiles back in response. You loved serving tea to people, especially your job. Like, what could you ask for more?

Your life was like any other human being's, but you treated it like it was some kind of adventure with so many obstacles ahead. You were a very positive, adventurous, and most importantly, a kind girl like your mother Alice Kingsleigh. Your motto in life was 'Be the sunshine in the gloomy weather'.

You lived in Winchester, not so far from London where your grandma Helen lived. You moved out from home because of a quite bad relationship between the two of you.

You had a very rough past, but you still kept your head up high and looked on the bright side of life.

You continued on working and serving tea and cakes and cookies to the customers, while enjoying the time with William and your other co-workers. William was now like a brother to you, and he on the other hand, you were like a little sister to him.

"Hey Y/N, wanna spend some time together at the library?" William asks.

The day was now ending with a beautiful pink and orange sunset, and William decided to ask you to hang out at the library near the tea shop.

His messy, dark brown hair was all over the place and his emerald green eyes pleaded yours to come and spend the rest of the afternoon with him.

"Okay, okay. Let me just finish cleaning the shop and we'll go out." You say as you continued to sweep the dusty floor of the shop. After you've finished, you both went to the library, reading novels and some books with detective-y genres. You both adored Sherlock Holmes, so you were both into detective stuff so much.

The day had already ended and the library was now closing. You and William went out of the library, talking about how the both of you enjoyed your books.

"Y/N, let me take you home." William says after the conversation ended. Of course, you gave in because this happend a gazillion times already. He kept insisting and insisting and you just had to give in to your 'brother'.

The walk to your house was peaceful, with the both of you constantly looking up the star-sprinkled midnight black dome.

"I guess I'm home, haha" You finally say after the both of you stopped in front of your house.

"I too, will get going madame. Haha! See you on Tuesday, Y/N!" William says.

"Oh wait, isn't there work tomorrow?" you ask.

"Yes, silly. It's Sunday today!"

The both of you chuckled at your forgetfulness and waved bye at each other afterwards. You enjoyed dinner all by yourself, enjoying the peaceful silence enveloping your home, took a shower and changed into comfortable pajamas.

And then, you drifted off to sleep, preparing for what tomorrow has for you.


A/N: Phew! First chapter uuuupppp! Do look out for more chapters ahead HAHAHA

xoxo, jade

Tea, Hats, and The Hatter (Mad Hatter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now